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Verb & It’s Importance in English Grammar

Parts Of Speech

The verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection are the other seven parts of speech in English. Nouns, pronouns, and verbs round out the list. The word’s meaning and grammatical placement within the sentence are both indicated by the part of speech. When employed in different situations, a single word can serve as multiple parts of speech.
The first step in learning English is learning the different parts of speech. One of the first grammar topics you come across when studying English, whether you are a student or a professional, is parts of speech. When studying the English language, knowing the parts of speech is a great help.
The word’s appropriate use in a sentence and the appropriate way to employ punctuation are determined by the part of speech. Understanding each word’s function in a sentence structure aids in both sentence comprehension and correct sentence construction, which will improve your English.


What Is A Verb?

A verb is a part of speech that expresses action or being. There is a verb in every sentence. To describe what a noun or pronoun is doing, verbs are used in conjunction with them. The main component of a sentence or phrase, together with nouns, is a verb that tells a story about what is happening. In reality, even the most basic sentences have a verb. For Example, “Maria sings”,  this basic sentence has the verb “sing” without which complete thoughts cannot be adequately communicated. A verb can be a complete sentence by itself with the subject. For Example, “Sing” and “Drive.” In this example “sing” or  “drive” are sentences with noun



Verb & It’s Importance in English Grammar
Learn English Grammar

Understanding The Importance Of Verb

Verbs, which are highly important components of our vocabulary, are the words that describe our activities or what we do. There is always at least one verb in every sentence, thus without them, we would not be able to form and use sentences. The ability to convey action would be lost without them.

A crucial component of speaking English is learning and using these phrases correctly. In addition use of good grammar when writing and speaking will also help you in communication.

Reading a variety of texts will help you understand how verbs are used in various settings and will teach you how to use them more effectively in your own writing. Regular English writing can aid in improving your writing abilities overall and proper verb usage.


●     John eats his dinner.

●     We went to the market.

●     He dropped the ball.

●     He bought a car.

●     He was lying on the floor.

●     Martin cooked the pasta.

●     Sara is hungry.

Verbs: Eats, went, dropped, bought,  lying, cooked,  and hungry. All these words are action verbs. The sentences in the above examples are the basic sentences in which the verb is defining the action of the noun. Whatever the subject is, the verb function is to demonstrate the action of the noun. Understanding how to use verbs is an important aspect of learning English. Proper use of verbs in sentences also improves your communication and writing skills.

Types Of Verbs

Action Verbs

When you wish to show action or talk about someone doing something, you employ action verbs, which convey specific acts. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the action does not necessarily have to be physical. Below are a few examples of action verbs.

●     Run

●     Dance

●     Go

●     Speak

●     Smile

●     Think

●     Take

●     Listen

●     Slide

●     Lost

The following sentences are examples of action verbs that are highlighted for easy identification.

●     I can run faster than him.

●     Don’t listen to him.

●     I lost my watch.

●     She thinks it is bad.

●     He was smiling at me.

●     I go to school.

●     She takes a selfie

●     We speak lies.

Transitive Verb
Action verbs known as transitive verbs usually describe actions that can be taken that involve or have an impact on someone or something else. These other things are often direct objects, nouns, or pronouns that are impacted by the verb, however some verbs, like the show, take, and make, can also accept an indirect object. A transitive verb transfers the action of the verb to someone or something else in the sentence.
Here are some examples of transitive verbs in sentences
● Martin ate the cookies.
● John punches him.
● They sold all the tickets for the movie.
● We don’t believe you.
You can note that in the first example, the transitive verb eats, the subject is Gary because he is the one eating, and the direct object is the cookies because they are the thing being eaten.

Intransitive Verbs
These kind of verbs convey a full activity without being accompanied by a direct object. Since an intransitive verb doesn’t have a direct object after it, they vary from transitive verbs and are known as intransitive verbs.
The direct object is absent from intransitive verbs. The definition of a direct object is “a group of words or words that represent the person or thing upon which the action of a verb is done or toward which it is directed to”. The verbs without a direct object are intransitive. Below are certain examples of intransitive verbs.
● We travelled to London.
● I sneeze in the morning
● She took bath in the morning.
● I listen to music.
As you can see, none of these examples has an intransitive verb with a direct object. There’s one more important point, that differentiates intransitive verbs from transitive is that the former is not used in the passive voice.

Auxiliary Verbs
Auxiliary verbs often referred to as helping verbs, are used with a main verb to indicate the verb’s tense or to construct a question or a negative sentence. Common examples of auxiliary verbs are would, should, is, can, do, may, etc.

Below are certain examples of auxiliary verbs

● I will play a game after homework.
The auxiliary verb will inform us that the action of the primary verb, go, will occur in the future, after the end of homework.
● She is waiting.
● She can play hockey.
● I may dance with you later.

Question Sentences
● May I go to drink water?
● Have you done your work?
Negative Sentences
Auxiliary verbs are vital in making negative sentences. Here are examples of negative sentences.
● I will never talk to you.
● She is not drinking her milk.
Stative Verbs
Stative verbs, as opposed to action verbs, describe circumstances or mental states. Stative verbs are typically used to describe attributes, states of being, views, beliefs, and feelings. For example, want, own, believe, love, resemble, etc. Here the examples of stative verb sentences.
● Martin loves his younger brother.
● I believe the doctor is right.
● I want these cookies.

Model Verbs
Auxiliary verbs known as modal verbs are used to indicate possibilities, permissions, duties, and capacities. Here are examples of model verbs sentences.
● We should go home.
● You must not delay.
● I would not recommend you this restaurant.

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are word combinations that are employed to convey a distinct meaning from the original verb; they are not single words.

Phrasal verbs come in many forms, some of which are used in everyday speech. Some examples include makeup, hand in, bring up, point out, and look forward to. Every time the verb is given an additional word or words, its meaning changes.

Here are examples of phrasal verbs.

●     Sara loves to show off her clothes.

●     I tried to take my make up class.

●     He pointed out the dangers of driving alone.

I guess this would have provided you enough knowledge on verbs,

Catch you soon.
