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10 Easy Grammar Rules For Prepositions

Prepositions are essential in English grammar as they help convey the relationships between different elements in a sentence. They allow speakers and writers to convey time, location, direction, and other crucial details about the nouns and pronouns in a sentence.

Prepositions also help indicate the grammatical function of a noun or pronoun within a sentence. For example, if a preposition indicates a noun’s location, it can be inferred that the noun functions as the object in the sentence.

Prepositions are also crucial because they help make sentences more precise and clear. Using the correct preposition can eliminate confusion and clarify a sentence’s meaning.


What is Preposition?

A preposition is a word that demonstrates the relationship between a noun, pronoun, and other words in a sentence. It usually indicates the position or location of the noun or pronoun with other words or elements in the sentence. Examples of prepositions include “in,” “on,” “at,” “by,” “with,” “to,” and “from.” Prepositions often come before a noun or pronoun and form a prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase can act as an adjective or adverb to provide information about the noun or verb in the sentence.

Explore this detailed guide if you want to learn easy grammar rules for prepositions. This article entails 10 easy grammar rules for prepositions so you can understand these easy rules:

Rule 1: Must Have an Object

For a preposition to be grammatically correct, it must have an object. The object of a preposition is a noun/pronoun that follows the preposition, and it helps to indicate the relationship between the noun or pronoun and the other words in the sentence.

For example, in the sentence “The cat is on the mat,” “on” is the preposition and “mat” is the object. Without an object, the preposition would not have a clear meaning and would not make sense in the sentence.

Examples of prepositions with an object:

  • The book is on the table.
  • The cat is under the bed.
  • The dog is beside me.
  • The car is behind the building.

Examples of prepositions without an object:

  • The cat is on.
  • The dog is under.
  • The car is beside.
  • The book is behind.

It is crucial to remember that prepositions must have an object to make sense in a sentence.

Rule 2: Must be Placed Before

Prepositions generally come before their object, but not always. This rule states that, in general, prepositions come before the noun or pronoun that they relate to in a sentence, but there are exceptions to this rule.

For example: 

The cat sat on the mat

In this sentence, “on” is the preposition, and “mat” is the object. The preposition comes before the object, as per the usual rule.

However, in some cases, prepositions can come after a verb.

For example:

The cat sat on the mat

Here, “sat” is the verb, and “on” is the preposition. “The mat” is the object.


  • I’m looking forward to seeing you.
  • He is fond of playing guitar.
  • She is accused of stealing the money.
  • He’s good at solving puzzles.

It is important to note that some prepositions can come after the verb, and some come before the noun/pronoun. While keeping this in mind, you should be able to use prepositions correctly.

Rule 3: The Pronoun Following the Preposition Should be an Object Form

Yes, that is correct. When a pronoun follows a preposition, it should be in the objective case (me, him, her, us, them) rather than the subjective case (I, he, she, we, they). This is because the pronoun acts as the object of the preposition rather than the subject of the sentence.

For example, “He gave the book to her” is correct, while “He gave the book to her ” is incorrect.

Rule 4: Forms of Prepositions 

Prepositions do not have a form like verbs or nouns do. They are words that typically do not change form based on tense, number, or person.

Prepositions can be single words, such as “in,” “on,” “at,” “to,” “by,” or “with,” or they can be multi-word phrases, like “in front of,” “on top of,” “because of,” “in spite of,” and “on account of.”

These multi-word phrases are often called “compound prepositions” or “complex prepositions.”

It’s also worth noting that prepositions are also used to form idiomatic phrases and phrasal verbs, which are common in the English language.

Rule 5: Don’t Use “Like” When The Verb is Implicated 

‘Like’ should be followed by a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase, not by a subject or verb.

Additionally, it is critical to note that ‘like’ can also be utilized as a verb, meaning “to enjoy” or “to find pleasure in,” and in this case, it should not be used in the same sentence as the preposition ‘like.’

For example: “I like pizza” (verb) and “It tastes like pizza” (preposition) are correct and have different use cases.

Moreover, When making a comparison between a subject or verb, it is more appropriate to use phrases such as “as,” “as if,” “as though,” or “the way” instead of “like.” This helps to make the comparison clear and grammatically correct.

Moreover, depending on the sentence structure and the context, other phrases such as “similarly to” or “in the same manner as” can also be used instead of “like” to make a comparison between subjects or verbs.

Rule 6: Don’t Complicate the Preposition ‘to’ With the Infinitive ‘to’

“To” can be used as a preposition indicating direction or destination (ex., He is heading to the store) or as the infinitive marker before the base form of a verb (ex., He likes to play guitar). It is essential to understand the context in which “to” is being used to interpret its meaning correctly.

Rule 7: Verb Can Never Be an Object Of a Preposition

a verb cannot be the direct object of a preposition. However, it is possible to use verb forms such as gerunds or infinitives as objects of prepositions.

For example, “He is looking forward to seeing you” or “I am used to working late,” the gerund “seeing” and “working” are objects of the prepositions “forward to” and “to,” respectively.

Rule 8: Don’t Twist “In” & “Into”

“in” and “into” are two different prepositions with distinct meanings and uses.

“In” is used to indicate a position or location within a larger area or container, such as “in the room” or “in the box.” It can also indicate a specific point in time, as in “in the morning” or “in the year 2000”.

“Into,” on the other hand, implies movement or direction towards the inside of something, as in “I am going into the room” or “He threw the ball into the basket.” It can also indicate a change of state or condition, such as “She turned the dough into bread.”

Also, concentrate on the context in which these words are used to understand their intended meaning and not to confuse them.

Rule 9: Understand the Difference Between On, Upon, Up On

“On,” “upon,” and “up on” are all prepositions, but they have slightly different meanings and


“On” is used to indicate a position or location on the surface of something, such as “on the table” or “on the wall.” It can also indicate a specific time, such as “on Monday” or “on my birthday.”

“Upon” is a more formal version of “on” and is often used in written English. It also can indicate a position on a surface or a specific point in time, such as “upon arriving at the party” or “Upon further examination, the painting was found to be a fake.”

“Up on” is less common than the other two, and it is a phrase that means the same thing as “on” or “upon,” but it is mainly used in informal or spoken language, such as “the book is up on the shelf” or “I saw him up on the roof.”

Recognize the context in which these words are used to understand their intended meaning and not to confuse them.

Rule 10: The Prepositions Among, Between

“Among” and “between” are prepositions that are commonly used to indicate a relationship or position with others.

“Among” hints at a position or relationship within a group of three or more things, people, or animals. For example, “He is among his friends” or “The building is among the tallest in the city.”

“Between” indicates a position or relationship between two things, people or animals. For example, “The cat is between the couch and the table” or “The treaty was signed between the two countries.”

Remember that “between” is only used when talking about two things, and “among” is used when talking about more than two things or a group of things.


Preposition plays a vital role in grammar rules. These English grammar rules for prepositions are essential because they improve your speaking skills and writing. You should learn and use them consistently to effectively communicate your ideas in writing and speech.

Also, be aware of idiomatic expressions or colloquial usage that may deviate from standard usage. Reviewing and practicing prepositions helps improve your overall grammar and language skills.