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What are English Proficiency Levels? How to Determine My English Speaking level? 

It is not enough to study the basics of the English language if you want to master it properly and utilize it like a natural English speaker. Learning the language necessitates becoming skilled and confident in its use.

Being fluent in English involves more effort since you must master the fundamental abilities of reading, speaking, listening, and writing. And different degrees of language skill span from mastery to elementary or beginning.

These English proficiency levels will assist you in determining which degree of competency your  English language abilities fall into.

What is English Proficiency Level?

English language proficiency represents an individual’s ability to utilize the English language accurately, precisely, and coherently in any environment, whether academic, community, or business.

It also represents an individual’s ability to recognize and interpret various English words, terminology, and phrases in the circumstances ranging from simple to sophisticated.

Language competence also demonstrates how well one can utilize the English language confidently and efficiently in ordinary communication. Furthermore, if you have a high degree of proficiency, your language abilities are equivalent to those of a native English speaker.

Understanding English Proficiency Levels with CEFR

Language competency is difficult to assess since each person has unique strengths, limitations, and learning methods. You might be able to discern the difference between someone who barely speaks a few words of English and someone who is fluent in the language, but what about everyone in between? How can you tell what level of English you have? And how many different English proficiency levels are there?

The Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) is an international language competency and comprehension standard. This standard has six separate levels of English: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The pre-A1 level is also recognized by certain institutions, albeit it is less frequent. What do these labels truly represent in terms of your English abilities?

The Council of Europe established the CEFR language levels in order to standardize linguistic competency. These criteria are used to assess language proficiency among speakers all around the world. Let’s look at each English level in more detail to discover what they mean:

A1 – Beginner (Basic)

A1 - Beginner

The A1 level denotes speakers who have a rudimentary understanding of the English language. Some frequent phrases and words in English can be understood at the A1 level. You can ask and answer simple questions (for example, “How old are you?”). Where do you call home? Which color is your favorite?).

Your conversations will be simple, and you may require others to talk carefully with you in order to comprehend.

This level is prevalent among individuals who have only been learning English for a short period of time (less than 6 months) or those who have not studied English for a long period of time and do not practice consistently.

A2 – Elementary

A2 - Elementary

You can communicate in whole sentences and phrases on uncomplicated themes at the A2 level. Your vocabulary is more diverse than it was at the A1 level, but your interactions are still confined to straightforward information exchanges.

You can probably have a whole chat about yourself and your life. While your listening comprehension has improved, you may still require people to talk slowly or to repeat themselves on occasion.

B1 – Intermediate (Independent)

B1 - Intermediate (Independent)

Your English talents are “moderate” after you attain B1 level English. This implies you can communicate and comprehend English in everyday situations. You might also go into further detail about your life and experiences. Finally, you can discuss more abstract or subjective things such as hopes, dreams, or opinions (in relatively simple language).

This level is frequent among individuals who have been learning English for more than a year and have the chance to practice on a semi-regular basis.

B2 – Upper-Intermediate

B2 - Upper-Intermediate

In MOST circumstances, this is where you feel most at ease. You can engage with native speakers spontaneously and fluently, and others can understand you without a problem.

This level of English competence is frequent among individuals who have studied English for several years and practice on a regular basis.

C1- Advanced

C1- Advanced

You are considered an advanced English student if you have attained the C2 level.

You now understand more complicated grammatical structures and implicit meaning in both text and voice, and you can speak English smoothly in practically any situation. Though you will undoubtedly make mistakes from time to time, they will most likely be minor and uncommon.

To obtain the C1 level, you will most likely need to study English officially for several years and regularly practice speaking or reading English. This level of English proficiency is frequent among those who have spent a significant amount of time living in an English-speaking nation.

C2 – Advanced (Proficient)

C2 - Advanced (Proficient)

C2 is the highest of the six CEFR levels.

At this level, you can understand the great majority of English, whether spoken or written. Despite occasional blunders, your ability is comparable to or equivalent to that of a native English speaker. Even in complex texts or circumstances, you can comprehend the subtleties of tone, tempo, and word choice.

C2-level speakers have most likely been studying English for many years and practice the language with native speakers on a regular or perhaps daily basis.

How to Determine Your English Proficiency Level?

Great! You are now aware of the six various degrees of English competence. But how can you know what English proficiency level you have? While the descriptions above may give you an idea of where you stand on a scale of A1 to C2, you’ll need to test your talents to be certain. 

There are also a variety of free online tools and English proficiency tests available to assist you in measuring your English skills:


You may also assess your English proficiency by comparing your IELTS or TOEFL results. Here’s a handy chart to assist you to figure out what your scores signify for your English level:


Having said that, these tests are intended to provide you with a broad notion of where you are on the CEFR English scale. Once you know your English level, you’ll be able to create a study schedule that works for you!