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Hi there,

I just thought of kinda help you know stuff on “NATIVE ENGLISH”.

How to go about understanding and responding to Native English speakers.


Well, before we could start with I just would be glad to elaborate on, as to what is Native English.









Basically, any language which is spoken as the first language by a person is termed as his/her native language. So obviously, Native English means English which is spoken by a person as his/her first language. It is not what a person has learnt as a foreign language. 

Anyone who has been speaking English right from one’s birth as his first language is called a Native English speaker.



That was pretty clear right. 


Now, trying to get close to the motive of making you understand native English… Usually, C2level of English is a perfect native level theoretically. Well, that’s too technical. On a lighter note have you been in the need or demand to work with, face or even come across native English speakers?


I guess almost everyone of us would have encountered such a situation anytime in our life. If not many a times while watching movies with native English we would have found difficult following or understanding it.



Well, everyone of you would be eager enough to speak fluently in English. 




Let me list down the usual struggles one faces with native English?


1. The basic and worrisome thing is that Native speakers don’t understand what you are trying to say and you also struggle much to express yourself correctly.



2. You itself might at times sense that you are in lack of words and not satisfied with your pronunciation. You exhibit low confidence with all of it. Isn’t that true actually. 

The must agree fact dear friends, is that it makes you feel somewhat insecure, sometimes low and helpless. 



3. You find it terribly hard to catch up the speed of the native language speakers. It is actually quite racy…



4. The way native English words are just clubbed up together and spoken at a great flow and speed is quite challenging for any listener to catch up with.



5. Fear of missing words which they say and pronounce in a different manner while talking. The pronunciation has no relevance with the regular English words you spell and pronounce.



6. You really feel fear running down all over you because of the abundant and misguiding information available on internet, regarding native English.



7. The effort you need and make with a sort of struggle to translate everything in your mind to form good quality Native English sentences.



Now, how shall we go about resolving these little challenges with understanding and speaking Native English


* On a regular and constant basis start listening to fast native English speeches and conversations. Make it a practise/habit to listen to a lot of them whenever you find time.


* If possible try to get exposure and friendship with Native English speakers. Of course, anyways friendship is always good too.


* Start watching movies or videos with majority of the artists/performers as Native English speakers.


* Start noting down the styles and accents of Native English speakers and with little effort start imitating them as if you enact them.


* Try adapting their facing expressions, body language which will be widely helpful for you to replicate.


* Try talking using imitation techniques record and replay, match and compare them with the original Native English conversations. It boosts your confidence a lot and shows you the scale and level of Native English speaking you are at.



* Play your rehearsals or recorded sessions to your loved ones and ask them to share their genuine feedback and remarks. That is actually so motivating. 



* Dream and imagine in your mind yourself speaking fluent in Native English, it is actually an excellent positive and attractive way to speak Native English confident and better understanding it well.


Hope all these tiny tips were helpful to you…

Catch you soon,
