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Top 15 Adjectives 

Top 15 Adjectives 

Language is beautiful, isn’t it? 

To make it beautiful, many parts of speech are used in different ways to convey meaning. One such part of speech is adjectives. 

You might be wondering what adjectives are. 

Adjectives are words that describe or alter other words. They help you be more specific and intriguing in your writing and speech. Descriptive adjectives include the words little, blue, and sharp. Adjectives are typically placed before the noun or pronoun that they modify since they identify or quantify particular people and distinctive things. Several adjectives can be seen in some sentences.

You’ll find it much simpler to recognize the various types of adjectives when you see them if you keep in mind that adjectives can change other words in addition to describing them.

We use adjectives every day. None of our conversations end without an adjective. 

This article will share some very powerful adjectives you can use to make your conversation stronger and more impactful. 


The most commonly used adjective is “good.” We are familiar with the word’s meaning but unaware that the word can be replaced with better synonyms that communicate the same word’s meaning better. 

For instance, 

It was a lively party. 

Overall, the speaker wishes to tell us that the party was good. 

It is a beautiful dress. 

Again, it is a good dress. 


“new” can also be categorized as a top adjective because it is used so much. 

It is a fresh piece of meat. 

Here, the speaker means that this meat is newly cut. The word is different, yet the meaning is similar. 

“New” also pairs up with words such as newly built, newly brought, and newly developed. 

Top 15 Adjectives 


The opposite of good, this adjective is used to communicate hatred or disgust for something. 

It is too bad that the court is not just anymore. 

Here, the speaker communicates disdain for the court. 

The rice turned bad. 

It is also used to communicate if the food does not remain edible. 


Many people use it to communicate praise. It can be used for people, dresses, paintings, and anything related to appearance. 

It was a beautiful sight. 

For other senses, you cannot use this word. 

If someone is extremely beautiful, we can use “gorgeous.”


We use this adjective when someone shouts or sounds too high. 

For instance, 

The speaker is very loud. Please turn it down. 

People use words such as deafening as an adjective to communicate the same message. 


This word is used to describe pain that becomes unbearable. 

For instance, “I have an excruciating headache. I can’t even think straight.”

The word tells us that the speaker is in severe pain. 


This adjective is used to describe losses. 
A devastating flood destroyed the town.
(Physically damaging)

They received the devastating news that their son was in a coma.

(Emotionally damaging)

When it comes to damage on a construction site, which is done deliberately, it is called demolished.


This adjective is used to show that someone is very occupied or busy. 

For instance, 

The clinic is swamped with patients all the time. 

For crowds, people also use the word packed. It also serves as an adjective. 


People use this adjective when wishing to tell the world they are excited. 

 I am thrilled to be on the boat. 

Glad and astounded also serve the same purpose. 

Gleeful and delightful can also be used to convey happiness in different contexts. 

The intensity of happiness will be your guide in choosing the right adjective. 
For instance, when you do something new, you are thrilled. If you are doing something you have done before, and it makes you happy, then you are excited. 

The difference between each adjective doing the same job has to be understood. Once you do that, you know exactly which adjective will help you communicate your message. 

Because it is true, it is simple to state that adjectives primarily serve to increase the readability of your writing. However, each form of an adjective plays a significant role in speech, so they are more than merely sentence decoration.

With its multiple types, forms, and rules of use, the adjective can be a slippery element of language to master. Get a firm grip on it, and you’ll be rewarded with the power to elevate your work to a more engaging, interesting, and expressive level.