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Hi All,


English is one such adorable language which is constantly been admired for it’s style and seamless flow. Only when it is rendered with elegance English sounds unique among any other language. Expressing ideas with a graceful flow sometimes turns challenging to many of the beginners. Here let me guide you through and help you with a few practical, working and easy techniques to speak in English without stammering.


Yet another term for stammering I could say is stuttering. Once you avoid it you might sound more fluent.

Few ideal exercises to avoid (stammering) stuttering while speaking in English


1. The prime and the high priority technique yet the most simple one is identify words with what particular slang or accent often let you stammer badly. Then try avoiding those kind of words while you talk and replace them with other equivalent words leaving you on a safer side.


I usually find many people speaking certain native tongue finding words involving “sh” quite uneasy to pronounce well, quite often they stammer and struggle a lot pronouncing them. They would abruptly lose their flow and confidence. So well identify and list down these kind of words and practise replacing them with better and easy to pronounce words.


For instance,

When people say “Seashells”…. they awkwardly stutter with the “sh” there. Many pronounce it as “Seasells”….



I, have suggested this simple and working technique for many of my students. It really, really works.






2. Breathing techniques which kind of help you cut down on your anxiety letting you out of an anxious mode is a very common practice which you could adapt to reduce stuttering. More of short breaths usually eventually lead you into more abrupt words exhibiting your fear of speaking fluent. 

In fact, one could have observed this when many of your tutors or teachers ask you to take deep breaths just before you deliver a speech in public or in front of a camera or media. Obviously, it cuts down your nervousness resulting in reducing stammering.


Shallow breaths would never give you the confidence to talk long sentences. You feel more relaxed and talk better. Take long and deep breaths.


Practising breathing exercises on a morning or evening routine may hugely help you to make a difference in you speaking.




3. Pick up topics which are quite pleasant and then hold a gentle and wide smile all the while. Smiling is just a fabulous way to reduce stammering, moreover it makes you look confident. Once you smile and talk your fear will be reduced and your confidence will surely boost up on a large scale. 


An open and steady smile is a wonderful technique to reduce stress and stammering.




4. Practise tongue twisters on a regular basis. I guess many of you might have heard of how tongue twisters could ideally help reduce stammering. 


This might make you feel difficult to attempt, but it is something which practised constantly helps you pronounce words better and get you out of the fear of speaking lengthier sentences.


For instance,

Betty bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, Betty bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better.


It could be real fun doing it this way.

You can learn the flow eventually giving you confidence to talk complicated sentences too.




5. Most commonly words beginning with p, m and t make you stutter more. So when you pronounce words beginning with these alphabets then make you lips lighter and pronounce these words gently a little subtle without giving too much of stress on the alphabets. 

This could vary from individual to individual..



Hope these tiny yet practical and simple techniques would have helped you to learn on how to cut down on your stammering.

Do it and practise it constantly with a lot of hope.

Catch you soon,
