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Hi dear friends,


How good are your English speaking skills? Do you use grammar correctly? Are you struggling to understand what native English speakers say? If so, you may want to learn more about the different tenses in English to improve your speaking and listening skills in English. This article will tell you everything you need to know about the different tenses and how they can help you improve your conversational skills in English.

1) Present Simple
Mastering the basics of spoken English can be daunting, especially when it comes to verb tenses. In this post, we will focus on the Present Simple tense.
The Present Simple tense is used to talk about habits and routines, states, and facts. It is one of the most commonly used tenses in basic spoken English. The structure of the Present Simple is quite simple: it consists of the subject followed by the base form of the verb. For example:
I speak English
She walks to work
They love pizza
You can also use contractions with the Present Simple, such as I’m, she’s, and they’re. To form negative sentences in the Present Simple, use ‘do not’ or ‘doesn’t’ with the verb. For example:
I do not speak Spanish
She doesn’t walk to work
They don’t love pizza
To form questions in the Present Simple, use ‘do’ or ‘does’ before the subject. For example:
Do you speak English?
Does she walk to work?
Do they love pizza?
The Present Simple is a useful tense for basic spoken English, so it is important to practice it frequently. Once you understand the structure of the Present Simple, you will be able to create sentences and start communicating in English!

2) Present Continuous
Are you looking to improve your English speaking skills? One of the best ways to do so is to become familiar with the seven English tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect, and future. The present continuous tense is one of the most commonly used tenses in everyday conversation and can be used to express ongoing actions.
The present continuous is formed with a combination of the verb to be and the -ing form of a verb. For example, the sentence I am talking is in the present continuous tense because am is the present tense form of to be and talking is the -ing form of the verb talk.
The present continuous is mainly used to talk about actions that are happening right now or that will happen in the near future. It can also be used to express an action that is repetitive or habitual. For example, I am improving my English speaking every day means that the action of improving English speaking is something that is occurring on a daily basis.
To improve your English speaking skills, practice using the present continuous tense in conversations. If you are feeling stuck, try using it in short phrases such as I am learning English or I am practicing my pronunciation. With enough practice, you’ll soon find yourself speaking English more fluently.

3) Past Simple
If you want to improve your English speaking skills, one of the key elements you need to learn is the different tenses. One of the most used and important tenses is the past simple tense. The past simple tense is used to talk about finished actions that happened in the past. For example, I talked English yesterday. This sentence describes an action that already happened.
The structure of a past simple sentence is very straightforward: subject + verb (in past form) + object. To form the past tense of a verb, you usually add -ed to the end of the infinitive. For example, talk becomes talked. However, some verbs have irregular forms, so it’s important to look up their conjugations before using them in sentences.
In addition to using the past simple to describe actions, you can also use it to talk about conditions in the past. For example, I talked English before I moved to this country. Here, we are describing a situation in the past where I was talking English.
By learning how to use the past simple tense correctly, you will be able to communicate more clearly when speaking English.

4) Past Continuous
The past continuous tense is an important element of basic spoken English. It is used to describe actions that were in progress in the past and can be conjugated using the verbs was or were. For example, I was talking English means I was in the middle of a conversation in English at a particular point in the past.
The past continuous tense is often used with other tenses to express how two actions happened at the same time. For instance, I was talking English while you were watching TV means both activities were happening at the same time.
Using the past continuous tense correctly can greatly improve your ability to communicate effectively in English. Learning to use it correctly will help you convey your message more clearly and confidently when speaking English. So, make sure to practice this tense often as part of your English-speaking skills! Here are a few examples of the past continuous tense that you can use when speaking English:

  • I was talking English when the phone rang.
  • She was teaching English when I arrived.
  • We were learning English in class yesterday.
  • He was speaking English at the conference.
  • I talk English with my friends every day.

5) Present Perfect
The Present Perfect tense is one of the most important tenses to know when it comes to basic spoken English. It is used to talk about actions that started in the past and continue in the present, as well as actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past. To use this tense correctly, you need to understand when to use have or has. Have is used when the subject is I, you, we, or they; and has is used when the subject is he, she, or it. For example, I have talked English for five years and He has talked English for five years. This tense is essential for basic spoken English, so make sure you practice using it often! You can also use the Present Perfect tense to express past experiences. For example, I have talked English for five years and I talk English every day. This is a great way to show that you have experience with a language and can communicate effectively in it. So make sure you practice using the Present Perfect tense often, so you can show off your English speaking skills!
Using the Present Perfect tense when you talk English can help you sound more natural and conversational. Even if you’re not a native speaker, you can easily use this tense in basic spoken English to make your conversations flow more naturally. You can use it to talk about past experiences, such as I have talked English for five years and I talk English every day, or to express ongoing actions that started in the past, such as I have been studying English for two years and I still study English every day. So practice using the Present Perfect tense regularly, so you can sound like a natural English speaker.

She has broken her leg.
They have stayed together during college.
We have worked at a start up company for two years.
He has eaten all the food.

6) Future Simple
The Future Simple tense is a basic spoken English structure that you need to master in order to improve your English speaking skills. The Future Simple is used to talk about actions that will take place in the future. It can also be used to express beliefs and feelings about the future.
For example, if you want to say that you will travel tomorrow, you would say I will travel tomorrow. If you want to express your belief that the weather will be nice tomorrow, you would say It will be nice tomorrow.
Another use of the Future Simple is to talk about intentions. For example, if you plan on talking to someone in the future, you can say I will talk to him tomorrow.

In addition, the Future Simple is used to express polite requests. For example, if you want someone to do something for you, you can say Can you do it tomorrow?.

Finally, the Future Simple is often used when making predictions or giving advice. For example, you can say I think it will rain tomorrow or You should call him tomorrow.
If you want to master basic spoken English and improve your English speaking skills, then the Future Simple tense is essential. With a bit of practice, you’ll soon be able to use it like a native speaker. To practice the

Future Simple, try creating simple sentences in the future tense. For example, I will talk English, She will finish her homework, or They will visit us next week. Once you have the basics down, you can start incorporating the Future Simple tense into your everyday conversations. As you practice, you’ll notice that your basic spoken English improves dramatically! Try saying some basic sentences out loud using the

Future Simple tense. Examples include I will talk English, She will finish her homework, and They will visit us next week. The more you practice, the better you will get at using the Future Simple tense in conversation. Before long, you’ll find that your basic spoken English has improved dramatically!

She is going to see her colleague at the office.
My friend is going to meet her parents.
We are going to do the project at Washington.

7) Future Continuous
The Future Continuous tense is an important part of basic spoken English. It is used to talk about actions or events that will be in progress at a certain point in the future. For example, if you say I will be talking English at 8:00 pm tonight, you are using the Future Continuous tense.
The Future Continuous tense is formed by using the helping verb will with the verb be and the present participle of the main verb. For example, I will be talking uses the Future Continuous tense. The present participle of talk is talking.
The Future Continuous tense is often used with words like tomorrow, next week, and other future expressions. It can also be used to describe a future event that you expect to happen but don’t know for sure.
The Future Continuous tense can be used to express a variety of emotions and intentions. For example, you can use it to talk about your plans for the future or to show enthusiasm for something that will happen soon.
By learning how to use the Future Continuous tense correctly, you can improve your English speaking skills and feel more confident when speaking in English.

We will be going for the Christmas treat tomorrow.
He will be helping his mother to pack the luggage.
Mary will be eating the chocolates later.
Penny will be giving her final exams tomorrow.

When it comes to mastering basic spoken English, tenses play an essential role. There are 7 key tenses you need to know: present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect, and future tense. Each of these tenses have a specific purpose and use in spoken English, allowing you to make your sentences more accurate and meaningful. By understanding the uses of these 7 tenses, you will be able to improve your English speaking skills quickly and effectively. With practice and dedication, you will be able to speak English fluently in no time!

Catch you very soon with more useful English tips,
