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Hey Guys,


Feels literally so good to hold you again with more essential Spoken English Learning Topic….. as of…




Everybody who wishes to speak flawless good English has an inbuilt great dream yet a simple step to take….. of START THINKING IN ENGLISH


Here we go and let’s discuss here about the journey of starting to think in English….


It is a pretty dream for many around….. 



This is all because….. many have been around me asking me the same question of “HOW DO I START TO THINK IN ENGLISH”


* Frankly speaking only when the process of speaking in English is initiated translating from your native tongue to English stops.



* The first procedure you can start up with is in case if you are mixing up your native tongue and English while attempting to talk in English, struggling all the while……… Please try increasing the dosage of English and reducing the substance of your native tongue


This one initiative is so much so valuable, practical, and a simple pure working step towards driving you to start thinking in English. 


Hold, motivate and be consistent for a while doing this.



* The more you increase your exposure to English the more possibility do you have to start thinking in English……..





Prepare a habit cautiously of talking to your beloved ones or people in your closest circle or even when writing down a diary of only using basic English words to either speak or write down.This will ensure you very soon in a due course of time to gain the confidence that you can convey your primitive thinking and basic ideas, thoughts may be even your routines only in pure english though it need not be rich in vocabulary



This will help you on a larger scale to speak confidently in English



As discussed earlier you can start journalling on a regular basis and consciously write and deliver things with all the simple words and verbs you have learnt till date.


Journaling could bring a lot of regularity in your thinking process which you expect to be in English.  This magic slowly does happen 



Prepare and tune yourself in a way that you make this process of starting to think in english like learning any skill, just as you would learn to drive a car, play a piano, learn to swim, learn any sport. 



As any of these would demand you to get nervous, feel less confident, makes you feel unfit…… it is all how it happens,….. you find so many people having mastered these skills…… and doing it with ease. Well said and done all these happen only with an matter of time and effort so is your little effort of starting to think in english



So what I would say to you learn to endure the little pain you might face while putting into action all these little tips which may even make you feel less knowledgeable unfit….. trust me you are never alone doing the same and attempting to reach your goal of speaking fluent English so pat yourself and start practising techniques to help you start think in English


Rest assured you will reach your goal of speaking reasonably good English following these tactics


Catch you soon with more English techniques and English stuff…


Always preparation is the key…

