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How To Start Speaking English Without Fear?


You could desire to learn to speak English fluently for various reasons. You may be a non-native student or working professional studying or working in the United States or a person planning a trip to an English-speaking nation. Many non-native English speakers are afraid of speaking the language, mainly because they fear seeming silly in front of an audience if they speak English properly. You may overcome your anxiety about speaking English by gaining confidence in your language skills. You may enhance your language abilities and boost your confidence with consistent practice.

You may be looking for easy tips and tricks so that you can know how to start speaking English without fear, if yes, then you are reading the perfect article for your question.

Just get along for details!

11 Ways to Overcoming Your Fear of Speaking English

Don’t let your fear of speaking English prevent you from becoming proficient. Use these methods to get over your shyness and learn to talk confidently.

Speak Calmly

First of firsts if you want to know how to start speaking English without fear especially as a non-native speaker, DON’T LOSE YOUR CALM.

When speaking to native speakers, one of the faults learners make is trying to talk faster or at the same tempo as the natives. Speaking quicker can lead to fear and a slew of unneeded grammatical blunders that might be avoided.

Many individuals confuse being fluent with speaking quickly. You may converse quietly while yet making an impression. However, you may speak quickly and still be misunderstood. Remember that the main objective of speaking is to share your ideas.

When you are apprehensive, it might be difficult to maintain your cool. This, nevertheless, will assist you in effectively combating dread and enjoying your discussion participation. When you’re scared, you want to speak up and get off the stage as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that the goal is to take advantage of any chance to improve your language abilities.

Begin By Going Online

Another one we must take into account to answer your question of how to start speaking English without fear is by being online chatting with friends and much more.

Texting in English is a less stressful approach to begin talking in English. When you’re writing, you have a little more time to consider what you want to say… and maybe even Google Translate if necessary!

So get started online.

Online language learning forums, chat rooms, and message boards are all options. Social media may also be used to spark talks. These alternatives give you a little more time and allow you to practice conversational rhythms without the dread of really speaking.

Use Simple Words And Phrases

Maintain simplicity! Using basic, straightforward language and expressions allows you to appear more personable and assured. Spoken communication is more informal and easygoing. Confidence and relaxation will help you conquer your phobia of speaking English.

In contrast to textual English communication, there is no need to be formal. You do not have to sound like a paragraph from a textbook unless you are in a professional setting. Even in your own language, there are terms and idioms that you seldom use or hear in everyday discussions.

Let’s take an example.

  • I was flabbergasted when I heard the news 
  • I was surprised when I heard the news.

How frequently have you seen the word “flabbergasted” used in a sentence? Several times, correct? What about the phrase “surprised”? It is frequently used in talks, therefore the possibilities of hearing and utilizing it are many.

You must remember that you want to communicate successfully and obtain information that you can use. This is not an audition to see whether you know any bombastic terms, proverbs, or predefined sentences, so be yourself and convey your point.

Choose Comfortable Language Partners

Choose language partners who are easy to communicate with.

Strangers may be less terrifying than those you know—friends and relatives. Find familiar partners to assist you in feeling less tense.

Getting a language exchange partner is another possibility.

In a language exchange, you may speak English for 30 minutes before switching roles and speaking in your original language for 30 minutes.

The beauty of this is that both persons are “learners” and experience the agony of learning another language. And both persons get to enjoy the benefits of speaking their own language. Seeing your spouse struggle and make mistakes may assist you in overcoming your own anxiety about making mistakes.

Comfortable language partner

Improve Your Other English Abilities

We are sometimes hesitant to talk in another language because we know how bad we are at it. Improving your English abilities is one method to overcome your anxiety about speaking English.

Of course, strengthening your speaking abilities is crucial, but so are your listening, reading, and writing abilities.

Listening to English and reading it are two of the best methods to increase your overall English level, according to Krashen’s input hypothesis. He claims that these give the understandable input required to learn a language.

There have been a lot of studies done on this. It’s obvious, for example, that listening to podcasts may help you improve your English.

Do Away With Self Criticism

As a non-native English speaker, self-criticism may be deafening and destructive. You must be your own best cheerleader. Do not use your lips to validate your negative views about your speaking, reading, listening, and writing abilities.

You may have excellent listening skills but only average speaking talents at times. If you simply focus on your shortcomings in one area, you will almost certainly overlook your strengths. When most non-native speakers communicate with native speakers, they exclusively talk about their incompetent parts and avoid talking about their good parts. It is also true that stating and acknowledging your flaws allows you to be helped; nonetheless, We recommend that we focus on interacting rather than becoming your own referee.

Concentrate On One-on-One Talks

If you are a non-native English speaker you can take into account this tip about One-on-One talks, to answer your question about how to start speaking English without fear. Parties may be a lot of fun, but group talks can be the most difficult to participate in.

They frequently move rapidly, there are numerous individuals speaking, there is often background noise, and they occasionally go on to another issue before we have a chance to respond.

Prioritize one-on-one talks above opportunities to speak English in groups. These are frequently less difficult and less demanding.


There is definitely a lot of evidence that our behavior might influence how we feel.

One well-known psychological research divided participants into two groups. In one, students were asked to grin while holding a pencil between their teeth. On the other, participants were asked to pout while holding a pencil between their top lip and nose. The researchers discovered that the first set of individuals evaluated cartoons as funnier, indicating that smiling impacted how they felt.

This is only one example of how we might alter our emotions by acting in various ways. Smiling can make us feel more at ease. So, if you want to speak English without fear, throughout your chat, smile. It could make you feel better.

Final Words

Practice, practice, and practice.

A lack of practice might erode your confidence. When you go a long time without speaking your target language, you will undoubtedly lose many vocabulary, sentence structures, and phrases. Although speaking with native speakers is beneficial for practice, it is preferable to try it on your own at home.

Communication becomes less complex, interesting, and interactive when you connect with native speakers. Do you want your interactions with native speakers to go as smoothly as possible? Then get going! NOW!

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