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Hello All,
Inviting somebody for any of our life events or celebrations is one subtle botheration many have before they start the event preparation or celebration.
 Well as we all are aware many cordial invitation phrases to mention on the invitation cards or emails, yet we always carry a lot of doubt as to what to be used for what?
Let us do it in a chirpy way right today and make our style of inviting others unique hereafter……


1. I have planned a get together this weekend, if you are free please do join me?
This is a kind of friendly way to invite somebody either from your friends and office circle…..
2. Would you wish to join my sister’s wedding party?
This could be used to invite someone specifically who you have got along with very recently and a fresh contact of yours….
3. Do you wanna go to the award event?
This can be used when you want to invite somebody to an event knowing whether they are interested or not….
4. What are you up to?
This could be used to know about what someone is doing right now. This is a kind of way to find out whether they are busy at that time and in case they are free you mean to initiate to invite them.
5. Come to concert with me.
You could use this to invite someone who you have a lot of liberty with or you have a close relationship to command or order to accompany you to some event, occasion…… 
6. Why don’t we?
This is just a very friendly way of inviting someone, may be your close buddy….
7. Do you wish to come home for dinner?
You can use this to ask someone whether it is possible and do they like to have dinner or spend time with you…. the only change would be the term “dinner”
8. I would be extremely glad if we could catch up for dinner.
This you could use if you really love and enjoy the company of somebody and you invite them this way…… a kind of casually…..
Well, these were pretty amazing, pretty and cool ways to invite friends and family…..
Catch you quite soon with yet another blog discussing plain and essential English concepts in interesting and easy procedures just like that casually on the give gifting you Good Spoken English