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How to develop good English communication skills

How to develop good English communication skills

Whether you are moving to a new country or not, learning to communicate in English is an essential skill. English is a universal language, so no matter who you meet or where you go, they will understand it, at least a little bit.

However, like any other language, effectively communicating in English is just as hard and requires consistent practice. In this article, we will talk about ways to develop good English communication skills so you can impress everyone you meet.

How do we communicate effectively?

Now, the bottom line is that you need to practice, but there is a right way to practice, and the following tips will tell you how to do just that. If you follow the tips for at least a month, you will notice changes in your communication skills.

How to develop good English communication skills

Consume English media

This might sound like terrible advice, but hear us out. If you watch a Netflix series in English, you will learn how people talk in English. You will learn the mannerisms, pronunciation and some commonly used slang. All of this helps in communication.

Of course, more than just watching English shows is required, and you need to pay attention to these small details. Also, watching or reading the news in English is another great way to learn new words. These words are useful in a professional setting. Make sure to write these words down and practice them. Same with the accent, practice what you hear.

Speak Slowly

Many people assume that being fluent and having good communication is equivalent to speaking quickly and fast. But speaking fast is actually a sign of bad communication skills.

Of course, speaking too slowly is not great either, but when you are getting started with learning English, being extra slow is not a bad thing. Communication is when the other person understands you, and the speed of talking does not matter. If you talk slowly and slowly build your speed, it is better than talking gibberish just for the sake of talking fast. It also helps you deliver the message properly and think of the right words to use.

Recognise the filter words.

Now, it is not easy to filter out all the filter words. Especially when you are learning English, as even native speakers have problems with identifying and getting rid of filter words; these are not harmful words and sometimes even necessary to fill in awkward silence, but reducing them is important.

So, what are filter words? Words like- um, uh, actually, you know, I mean, to be honest, well, anyways, and so on. These words do not have any real meaning and are there to give you time to think of a response. Sometimes, they even become a habit. It is essential to use these words and recognize when you use them, but do not overuse them.  

Have a diary

Having a diary is a super good way to identify phrases and words you do not understand and write them down. This way, you can not only search for their meaning but also use them in your daily vocabulary.

If not a copy, even writing them in notes on your mobile phone works just as well. See the phrases and synonyms for these words to truly understand them. Also, look for their pronunciations to be able to say these words clearly as well.

Practice with an English speaker

When you start understanding the basics of communicating in English, it is time to talk to someone who is fluent in English. This person does not need to be a native speaker but someone who can speak English fluently and has experience talking in this language.

Ask this person to talk to you in English, so you know how it sounds in real life and practice holding a conversation. But sometimes, you do not have anyone to speak in English with, so what should you do? You can always visit online conversation partners or language exchange sites. You can even try talking to yourself.

Ensure you are understood

Even when practising English, make sure that the other person understands you. To communicate effectively, just knowing the language is not enough. To be good at communicating, ask the person if they know what you mean.

It will not be necessary once you become fluent, but in the beginning, after explaining something, ask them, “I’m not sure if I said that right. Would you mind repeating it?” or a variation of this phrase. If they understand what you said, you can be confident that others will understand you as well.

Listen to English songs

This is one of the most fun ways to practice English. When you listen to English songs, you remember the words and the pronunciation.

You should also listen to other videos in English, like some educational videos on YouTube. However, listening to and memorizing English songs is a fun way to learn new words, and it is also easier to remember. If you like a song, you naturally remember it.

Ask questions

When you are a new learner and talking to someone fluent in English, you are bound not to understand some things. Do not be shy and ask them. Tell them to clarify in easier words what they meant.

Also, this way, you can also ask them about any new phrase you heard them say and where it can be used. Most people will love to explain it to you. You could also play games in English, which also promotes asking questions about clues.


Even after all these tips, the most important part is practice. Practice and be consistent with it. Learn to write in English and say and repeat the things you write to practice more.

Hopefully, these tips gave you a general guideline for communicating effectively in English. If you practice effectively, learning English is easy because you hear this language almost everywhere. The hard part is becoming fluent.