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Learning a new language takes work. How long it takes depends on many factors, including your proficiency level, motivation level, and time devoted to studying. It depends on the level of English you are starting with and how much time you can study and practice. If you want to learn English, it will take longer than if your goal is to speak the language.
If your native language is French or Spanish, then learning English will be more difficult because they have many different words for the same thing.

Things affecting the Period of learning any new language.
Age: The younger you are, your brain will adapt to new information faster.
Language background: If you grew up speaking another language, like Spanish or French, it’s more likely that English will come easily to you than if your primary language was not an Indo-European tongue (which includes Germanic languages like English and Dutch). This is because learning a second language requires advanced cognitive skills similar to those used when learning a first one; however, these skills are only necessarily developed in middle age for most people.
Learning style: Some people learn best with visual aids such as flashcards or diagrams; others prefer audio material such as podcasts or audiobooks; still others prefer live instruction from teachers in person rather than online sources like classes at University of Phoenix campuses around the country where students can enroll online without having any previous experience studying abroad before coming here.”
How much time can you spend studying English each week?
It depends on your English level, learning style, environment, and available resources. If you’re an advanced learner who needs to learn quickly and efficiently—like for work or school—you’ll probably want to spend more time on it than someone who doesn’t need as much practice.
For example, if someone just started learning today but has already passed their Level 2 exam (the national standard), they might only need around 3 hours a week. In comparison, someone with a few years under their belt could benefit from spending 5 hours daily working at their target level.
The other thing that determines how much time people should spend practicing is what kind of learning environment works best for them: audio-based lessons vs. video tutorials; live classes vs. online courses; one-on-one tutoring sessions versus group activities like discussion boards or social media platforms where students interact with each other outside of class times.*
Remember that learning any language can be lifelong, so you must stay encouraged while learning English. You can always improve your English and learn more later on in life. If you are interested in learning another language after English, consider taking classes at schools or online to help prepare yourself for the future.
Learning a new language is fun! So keep at it!

Estimated ESL Learner Period
If you are dedicated to learning, it will take you one to three years. If your teacher is good and motivates you, it can be done in less time.
If your goal is not to learn a language but want some fun with friends or relatives who speak another language (like Spanish), then there may be better choices for you. Suppose someone is only interested in speaking another language for those purposes alone. In that case, there are better options available online where people can meet up face-to-face rather than using Skype or Facebook Messenger so that they can speak directly instead of through text messaging which may cause misunderstandings later on down the road (especially if both parties weren’t expecting anything else).

Tips to learning English faster

Set a goal
When learning a new language, it’s important to plan how long it will take to become fluent. If your goal is “learn English,” then your chances of success are slim because there are too many other things that can interfere with this process—your job, family responsibilities and relationships, etc.—and they’ll likely end up getting in the way of your ability to focus on learning the language itself.
Focus on what needs to be learned first
Try and learn some things at a time! Pick out one thing that seems most important right now and work on it until you master it before moving on to another skill; this will help keep things organized so that when something comes up later down the road during practice sessions or tests/quizzes at school/workplace settings where speaking takes place regularly within group settings such as classes taught by professors who specialize in teaching foreign languages but know nothing about teaching native speakers how best use their time wisely during class periods.”
Learning English is much more than memorizing vocabulary words and grammar rules. Learning a language is like learning any other skill; there are many ways to get the most out of it. You need to find the best method for you and stick with it!

Adult ESL learners vary greatly in ability and the amount of time they can devote to studying.
The time it takes to learn a new language depends on several factors, including age and ability. For example, if you’re a beginner and want to learn English as quickly as possible, an adult ESL program may be more effective than one for children or teens.
The difficulty of learning a new language also varies from person to person—some people are naturally good at languages, and others aren’t. This makes sense because everyone learns differently; some will succeed more with certain teaching methods than others!
If you’re looking for something that works best for your situation:
Ask yourself what your goals are. Do you want to learn a language quickly, or do you have more time? Research the different types of ESL programs available in your area. Some may be better for certain age groups than others; for example, if you’re a teenager, high school classes may be more effective than adult ESL classes.

So, how long will it take to learn English? The answer depends on what you’re starting with and how much effort you will put into learning English. If you want to become fluent in English, it may take a year or two. However, if your goal is understanding the language that will help you get through life with minimal difficulty, it could take less time than that.

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