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Go to Phrases: How to Use

Go to Phrases: How to Use

Phrases are important to use if you want to speak anything in English. Knowing how to use phrases relating to “go to” is very important for your English vocabulary.

So, if you want to learn how to use “go-to phrases,” this is the perfect article for you. Keep on reading to find out how to use ‘go-to phrases”.

Different Forms of “Go-to Phrases”

Before getting started, you should know that “go-to phrases” exist as adjectives, nouns, and also verbs. Of course, in these different forms, the meaning of go-to phrases changes, and here you will learn the go-to phrases in each form.

The go-to phrase as an adjective

When go-to phrases are used as adjectives, it implies something or someone relied on and regularly turned to for expert knowledge, skill, or performance. Here are some examples:

  • He is the company’s go-to guy.
  • Mozzarella is the go-to cheese for a pizza.
  • My friend is the go-to person for solving problems.

Go to phrases as a noun

When the go-to phrase is used as a noun, it means when something or someone is regularly or repeatedly chosen or employed for reliably good results. So, it is quite similar to the adjective version of the phrase’s meaning. So here are some examples:

  • A neat pour of rye whiskey is usually my go-to after making cocktails all night
  • My style inspiration is the old classic look; it is always my go to style
  • Animal Planet, National Geographic, and, especially, HGTV have become the go-to’s for most waiting rooms

Go to phrases as a verb

When the go-to phrase is used in verb form, it is either used interjectionally as an exhortation or to express disapproval or disbelief.

  • They said one to another, go to, let us make brick.
  • Go to, go to; you have known what you should not.
  • To nominate a company, go to this website.
Go-to Phrases

Phrases Using Going To

Now that we have looked at phrases using go to, let us look at the present continuous or future version of the phrase. Here, we will explain them and present some examples as well.

Going to as present continuous

Going to is used in relation to a place or a person in the present. It is pretty easy to form a sentence with this phrase, but still, let us look at some examples.

  • I will be going to Jack’s party tonight, what about you?
  • I am going to the shop, do you want to order something
  • I will not be going to my aunt’s house because I have a test tomorrow
  • Your interview was great, but sorry, the position will be going to Isac

Going to as future

Going to can be used in a sentence that describes an action in the future as well; it is used to talk about the future. We use it for plans and intentions, predictions, and commands. Here are some examples that can give you a clearer picture:

  • I am going to the cinema next month, will you come with me?
  • She is going to finish her food stash by this week; we need to restock
  • You are going to finish your homework; I will not hear any other excuse

Phrases Using “was going to”

We know how to use “am going to” as it forms a future tense. But what about what was going to happen? As you can tell, phrases using was going to are used when we talk about a plan we had that may have changed. Here are some examples:

  • I was going to the party, but something came up
  • She was going to eat pizza, but it was not available
  • We were going to see the play until I got sick

Using gonna instead of going to

Now, going to can also be used as going to, which is an informal way to say these two words as one. However, it can not always be used. You can use gonna when it is helping another verb to talk about an action in the future. It cannot be used when “going to” is the main verb in the sentence. Here are some examples:

  • We are gonna take a walk first and then meet with the rest of the family
  • She is gonna buy a bike once she gets her paycheck
  • If you come over, I am gonna order us a pizza

Using go for a phrase

This is another informal phrase that can be used to describe something that you are going to do. It is pretty easy to use and understand, so here are some examples:

  • I am going for a run; want to come over?
  • Do you want to go for a meal? It is on me
  • We would go for a pink theme, but our daughter refused it

Using go-through phrases

The phrase “go through” has two main meanings, although there can be many other ways this phrase can also be used. One is when a law, plan, or deal goes through, it is officially accepted or approved. For example:

  • The new deal is unlikely to go through
  • The contestant finally went through the final round
  • The new proposal will go through if she puts in a little more effort

Another way that this phrase is used is when describing an experience, a difficult or unpleasant situation. Here are some examples of that:

  • She has gone through a lot at such a young age
  • Their mother has gone through so much just to raise them
  • I cannot even imagine all that you had to go through

Here are some other phrases using go through

  • I am going through my closet to get rid of old clothes
  • Let’s go through the practice once more
  • I go through at least five cups of coffee per day. I need to stop


There are many go-to phrases and many ways to use them. Some rules need to be followed and some variations in the way they can be used. Hopefully, now you know how to use go-to phrases and other phrases similar to go-to.