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Free Courses To Improve English Speaking Skills

Free Courses To Improve English Speaking Skills

Have you ever found yourself feeling a bit lost in a conversation with native English speakers? Or maybe you’ve dreamt of traveling the world, but the thought of language barriers holds you back? You’re not alone! 

English is the universal language, and proficiency in spoken English is more than just a skill – it’s a ticket to a world of personal and professional opportunities. 

Whether you want to nail a job interview, make international friends, or simply order a coffee confidently during your travels, enhancing your English speaking skills is the way to go. 

Stick around because we’ve got a treat for you – a guide to free courses and handy tips to help you speak better English from the comfort of your home. Let’s dive in!

Free Courses To Improve English Speaking Skills

What is Spoken English?

Spoken English refers to the use of the English language in verbal communication. It involves the correct use of vocabulary and grammar and the ability to understand and use various language functions, such as asking questions, making requests, giving instructions, and expressing opinions.

What do you learn in Spoken English?

In Spoken English courses, you look into various essential skills needed for effective communication.

  • Pronunciation: This is often the first hurdle to clear. You’ll learn the correct way to pronounce words and phrases, tackle tricky sounds and master the natural rhythm and intonation of the language.
  • Vocabulary: Building a robust vocabulary is key to expressing yourself fully. Courses often include themed vocabulary lists (e.g., travel, food, business) to help you discuss various topics.
  • Grammar: Grammar is the backbone of any language. You’ll learn the rules that govern sentence structure, verb conjugations, and more, ensuring that your spoken English is clear and correct.
  • Listening Skills: Understanding others is just as important as being understood. You’ll practice listening to spoken English in various accents and speeds, improving your comprehension of conversations, movies, songs, etc.
  • Conversation Skills: Engaging in conversations, discussions, and debates is essential for real-world practice. Courses often include simulated conversations, role-plays, and interactive exercises to help you think on your feet and respond naturally and appropriately.

Why English Speaking Skills are Necessary? 

English speaking skills are crucial for several reasons:

Global Communication

English is often referred to as the global lingua franca, meaning it is a common language that enables people from diverse backgrounds to communicate with one another. It is the primary language spoken in international affairs, business, science, technology, aviation, entertainment, and the internet. Speaking English allows you to communicate with people from all over the world.


English is the world’s most widely spoken and understood language. Knowing English makes it easier to travel and communicate with people worldwide, whether you are asking for directions, ordering food, or making new friends.

Career Opportunities

English proficiency is a valuable skill that can enhance your job prospects and earning potential. Many multinational companies and organizations use English as their primary language of communication. Speaking English fluently can open up opportunities for career advancement and international work experiences.

Access to Information

Much of the world’s knowledge and information is in English. Speaking and understanding English gives you access to a wealth of information, whether it is books, scientific research, news, or online content.

Free Courses To Improve English Speaking Skills

Improving your English speaking skills is a commendable goal; luckily, numerous free resources are available online to help you achieve it. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your skills, here are some free courses and resources to help you improve your English speaking skills:


This popular language-learning app offers courses in many languages, including English. It includes a variety of exercises focused on speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Duolingo uses a gamified approach, making learning fun and interactive.

BBC Learning English

A comprehensive resource that provides courses, audio, video, and text materials to learners of English. It includes various activities, from grammar and vocabulary exercises to news stories and interviews, all designed to help you improve your speaking skills.


While many courses on Coursera require payment, free courses are also available. For example, the University of Pennsylvania offers a free course called “English for Career Development” that includes speaking exercises, helping you improve your language skills for professional purposes.


Similar to Coursera, edX offers both free and paid courses. For example, the University of California, Irvine, offers a series of courses called “Academic English: Writing,” which, while focusing on writing, also includes speaking exercises.


Another language-learning app that offers courses in English. Although some features require payment, many free exercises can help you improve your speaking skills. Busuu also offers a unique feature that allows you to have your exercises corrected by native speakers.


This is a language exchange app where you can connect with native speakers of English and practice speaking with them. It is free to use, although there are also paid features available. HelloTalk provides a platform for language learners to chat with each other, exchange language tips, and even engage in voice calls.

Language Exchange websites

Websites like and allow you to connect with native English speakers who want to practice speaking your native language. This way, you can practice speaking English with a native speaker for free.

Different Types of Free Online Courses to Improve Speaking Skills

General English Courses

These comprehensive courses cover all aspects of the English language, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They are suitable for learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers looking to refine their skills.

Conversation Courses

These courses focus specifically on improving conversation skills. They often include simulated conversations, role-playing exercises, and interactive activities that help you think on your feet and respond naturally and appropriately in various situations.

Business English Courses

These courses are designed for professionals who want to improve their English speaking skills for the workplace. They often include vocabulary and phrases commonly used in professional settings and exercises that simulate common business situations like meetings, presentations, and negotiations.

Academic English Courses

These courses are designed for students who want to improve their English speaking skills for academic purposes. They often include exercises that focus on academic vocabulary, giving presentations, and participating in discussions and debates.

Pronunciation Courses

These courses focus specifically on pronunciation, helping learners to master the sounds, rhythm, and intonation of English. They often include exercises that involve listening and repeating, as well as exercises that help you identify and correct common pronunciation errors.

How To Choose The Right Course For You

Choosing the right course is crucial for your language learning journey. Here are some tips to help you select the best course for your needs:

  • Identify Your Goals: Are you looking to improve your conversational English, or do you need to enhance your professional communication? Do you want to focus on pronunciation or academic English? Knowing your goals will help you select a course that aligns with your objectives.
  • Consider Your Current Level: Choose a course matching your proficiency level. Starting with an advanced course will likely be overwhelming if you are a beginner. Conversely, if you are an advanced speaker, a beginner’s course will not be challenging enough.
  • Check the Course Content: Review the course syllabus or outline to ensure it covers the topics and skills you want to improve. Some courses focus more on vocabulary building, while others prioritize speaking exercises.
  • Consider the Format: Do you prefer a self-paced course or thrive in a more structured environment with deadlines? Do you want a course with interactive elements like quizzes and assignments, or do you prefer video lectures?
  • Read Reviews: Check reviews and ratings from other learners. This can give you an idea of the quality of the course and whether it meets the expectations of others with similar goals.

Strategies To Help You Improve Your Speaking Skills Quickly and Effectively

Improving your speaking skills quickly and effectively requires a strategic approach. Here are some strategies that can help you achieve your goals:

  • Practice Regularly: Practice is key to improving any skill, and speaking English is no exception. Try to practice speaking English every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You can practice speaking with a language exchange partner, a tutor, a friend, or even to yourself.
  • Listen Actively: Listening to native speakers can help you improve your pronunciation, intonation, and natural language use. Listen to English podcasts, watch English movies or TV shows, and try to mimic how the speakers talk.
  • Learn Phrases, Not Just Words: Learning whole phrases and sentences can help you speak more fluently and naturally. Instead of just learning individual words, learn common phrases and expressions you can use in everyday conversations.
  • Record Yourself: Recording yourself speaking English can help you identify areas for improvement. Listen to your recordings and pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, and the speed at which you speak.
  • Get Feedback: Receiving feedback from others can be incredibly helpful. Share your recordings with a language exchange partner, a tutor, or an online language learning community and ask for constructive feedback.
  • Use Technology: Language learning apps, online courses, and language exchange platforms can be great resources to help you improve your speaking skills.

Wrap Up

Improving your English speaking skills is a worthwhile endeavor that can open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth. With the right resources and strategies, you can improve your speaking skills quickly and effectively. Remember, practice is key to becoming a proficient English speaker.

That was incredible information right!!

Catch you soon,
