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Hey All,

Email writing is one area where many need some guidance, tips so that one can gain confidence in their written communication. Here I shall be finely elaborating on a few fundamental points which might be widely useful for you to write better emails…..


Well, on a friendly note you actually don’t need to be a working professional to learn basic email writing and improve your skillsets… Email writing is one very fundamental skill which you can use even to convey information, emotions or feelings with your friends or family circle, relatives or partners…..



Actually having a decent knowledge of email writing is always good and essential….

You can tailor your email writing patterns according to your situations and the person whom you email to.











Here we go,

1. Firstly, The subject you quote, you could correlate this to a heading, has to be to the point and convey the correct intention with which you are sending the email to a particular person.



2. When you actually start the email, the way you greet is the secondary thing you need to be conscious about as it may vary according to the person, organisation or friend whom you are emailing.


If in case you are going to email a friend you could just greet saying “hi there, hey, hello (name) Bella”


In case you are writing an email to an organisation/company/somebody formal you could address as “Greetings”


In case you want to address a complete crew or group you could term it as “Hello All”



Doesn’t that sound really, really cool.

Well, I must share something with you at this juncture. I had a friend during my college days who addresses all her emails to friends quoting “Hey dude/Hey guys”. So, I guess you could obviously use it if you want to sound pretty cool.



3. Third, being the body of the email.



In case, you are addressing any of your close ones, you could just begin with enquiring their wellness. Also add your state and then further hit at the point you ideally wanted to convey.


A suggestive example down here, an extremely simple one.


Hey Julie,

Hope you guys are keeping fine. Learnt you reached California safe this Thursday. Just now opened the gifts and chocolates you gave us during this trip to Saley. All back to form here. 

I am eager to know when you are going to join Ellen for college. Keeping all of you in our prayers.



Catch you soon,




In case you want to go formal, then you could frame the body of the email as follows,


When you are writing professional or formal emails you must be keen with the tone you convey things using formal language nothing freaky or poetic or any such sort.


   * Do not use words like “cliche, adieu, pretty much…”. This will never give a good impression to the person you are addressing the email to. 


   * Never use quotes or any poetic forms or proverbs, for it can absolutely send your email to almost scrap.


   * Never use any rude or harsh statements which are unimpressive


   * All that the body of a formal email should carry is only the crux information in crisp and clear language style without rounding about the bush. It has to convey the message with high dignity and respect and to the point.



4. The final or the tail piece of an email would be the way you sign off,


In case of a friendly email you could just end it with a note saying bye or catch you soon or waiting to hear from you, catch you later and so on.



In case of a formal email you can sign off mentioning either Thank you or at times regards, followed by your name.


That’s all for now dear friends. I guess I just gave you an overall and simple idea as to how to and what, points to consider while writing an email.


Guess, you would have found it helpful. Please do share your comments and doubts in the comment box below. 


Catch you with more useful English stuff,

Stay connected,
