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Hello All,

Conversations are only ones which make you understand or rather estimate the level of English you are in……

Today it is going to be all about….. 


In case you just are doing some shopping…. well that may be you are looking for a Music system……

If they tell you a higher price above your budget for the Music system….. then how could you ask them to lower the price a bit…… or ask for a discount……

* I am just a college student money is tight for me could I get it at a lower price….

* Can you do it more cheap……

* I am looking for your best price….

* What is the lowest price you can offer me?

* Can you do it a bit cheaper…..

* Can you knock off at least $40

* Can you knock off another more $10

You may need these too…

* I have only….. $? as cash…. would you mind taking the rest on online transfer….


How to go about a phone call which you may/might have to attend…..

* Hai how may I help you?

* May I talk to the Team Lead….

What could your response be….

* Certainly! Please hang on….

* I am going to put you through….. (connect to the person they are looking forward to speak to – here it is the Team Lead)

If in case you try to connect and he is not attending your call…. 

Then you could respond saying…..

* Sorry! He is not picking up the call……

* Can I just take the message (just know what hey wanted to convey)….

The response could be like…..

I just wanted to talk to him over a deal….

I just wanted to….??

I just wanted to talk to him about an issue/something….

Your response could be like…

* I’ll just ask him to call you back…. 

* I’ll just ask him to get back to you….

Wasn’t that pretty easy and new stuff learning simple and plain daily conversations…. in that much a cool way…

These kind of conversations which you might constantly need all the day to speak in English are one among the best ways to Learn Spoken English that faster…. and casually too on the go….

I suggest you to regularly please collect these kind of conversations now and then…. even you could get into the habit of listening to these kind of short and easy English conversations and LEARN ENGLISH as easy as that……

Stay connected…

Catch you soon….. 
