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English Connectors To Improve Your English Writing And Speaking

Choosing the right words and placing them in the proper order is not sufficient when writing in English, particularly when writing for exams. Also, you must connect sentences to demonstrate how your ideas are organized and to help the reader navigate your content. 

You must be proficient with connectors, also known as linkers, such as but, nonetheless, in spite of, however, because of, and in order to. In this essay, we’ll look at how connectors can help you write better in English.

English Connectors To Improve Your English Writing And Speaking
English Grammar connectors

 What Can Connectors Do?

We can connect words or phrases using connectors. There are many various types of connectors, and each one serves a unique purpose. Connectors can communicate

  • Addition
  •  Time
  •  Sequence
  • Contrast
  • Condition
  • Reason
  •  Result

ADDITION (and, also, moreover, furthermore, plus, as well as, in addition)

When we wish to add a sentence to another or provide additional information, we can utilize addition connectors. The most common of these is obviously “and,” while the other addition connectors, particularly “moreover” and “furthermore,” lend a little more emphasis and are also more prevalent in written English. These are a few instances

●     They like their job and work a lot.

●     He’s well-mannered, plus he’s very charismatic.

●     Sport is fun. Moreover, it’s a great way to stay fit and healthy

●     In addition to the new bridge, the local council is constructing a motorway.

●     I play cricket and I also play football

●     As well as being kind, Carmen is very practical.

●     The watch is beautiful. Furthermore, the price is low.

TIME (when, as, while as soon as)

To connect events that occurred at the same time, we can utilize time connectors. When and as are connectors that have very similar meanings. For longer actions, especially those with continuous forms, we typically use the word “while.” For instance

●     We’ll start our assignment as soon as all the participants get here

●     I watched the movie while I was cooking.

●     It started to rain just as I went out for work.

●     When we arrived he was gone.

CONDITION (as long as, unless, provided that, otherwise)

Conditiona connectors can be used to convey the sense that something can only occur under specific circumstances. For instance:

●     We’ll keep the products for you provided that we receive the payment soon

●     You can play video games as long as you complete your homework first.

●     Unless the economy of our country improves, the inflation rate will continue to rise.

●     We need to get up, otherwise, we’ll miss the train.

RESULT – so, therefore, as a result, consequently

Use result connectors to describe how an action will have an impact. Though ‘so’ is more prevalent in spoken English and is more informal, they all have the same meaning. The others fit well in a formal, written setting. These are a few instances:

●     I’d forgotten my documents so I had to go back into the office to get them.

●     John did really well at college and consequently received several scholarship offers.

●     Last year’s grades were excellent, therefore you will all receive a scholarship.

●     Crime rates are increasing day by day. As a result, the government is going to investigate properly

SEQUENCE (next, after, firstly, then, afterward, secondly, finally)

Sequence connectors let us express the order of occurrences in a manner similar to time connectors. These are a few instances

●     She talked about the purpose, then she began to present her project.

●     Finally, I will invite our principal to speak.

●     He’s not coming here after the party

●     He’s playing football and is coming here afterward.

●     Turn on the stove. Next, put the pan on to boil water.

●     Secondly, I want to give you a scholarship to study further

●     Firstly, I’d like to congratulate you on your success

CONTRAST (but, though, although, despite, nevertheless, while, despite, whereas, however)

 These bridges can unite two dissimilar thoughts. But, “but” and “however” are quite comparable, but “however” emphasizes contrast more and is more frequently used at the beginning of a sentence. 

The only difference between the connectors “though” and “although” is where they are placed, which is likewise extremely similar. Although it cannot be used at the end of a sentence, it can be used at the beginning, middle, or end. These are a few instances.

●     They like pizza but they don’t like burgers.

●     It’s a nice place and it’s fun for a vacation However, I wouldn’t like to go with you.

●     She works quite a lot though she could do more.

●     Although he works hard he hasn’t received a scholarship for this university.

●     Despite the strike, they went for a walk.

●     I thought the film was very bad, while my friends thought it was really good.

REASON – because, so (that), as due to, in order to

The most frequent of these groups of connectors to employ when elaborating on a cause and effect is “because.” For instance:

●     Many people learn English because it’s important for studying abroad.

●     As you didn’t do a very good job on mid-term exams, I’d like to talk to your parents.

●     Due to heavy rain, we arrived late for the lunch

●     We left early so we could play the final match of soccer.

●     They are having a meeting in order to finalize the project

Similarity (likewise, in the same way, similarly,  correspondingly, simultaneously)

 These types of connectors employ to express the similarities between two subjects or topics in a logical way.

●     Students must deal with physical and mental health simultaneously to focus on their studies.

●     The government improved the civil department, they likewise improved the health and education department

●     They respect their teachers in the same way as they respect their parents

●     The cost of living in colonies is higher than in the local areas but the salaries are higher.


You need to have suitable connectors in your toolbox to show a more comprehensive command of the language and to communicate more complex concepts, in formal writing. In this article, we are provided with information regarding different types of connectors which can help you improve your English writing and speaking.