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Hi All,
Just thought of beginning a fresh and essential topic today dear ones “ELLIPSIS IN SPOKEN ENGLISH”. 



What is Ellipsis in Spoken English?

Guess you must be curious to know about this new term. Ellipsis in Spoken English is all about omitting certain words when you are into a conversation. It might be a totally new or weird concept for you to hear, because always most of us feel and believe that the right/appropriate usage of words while talking is always prime to make our conversation effective. Ellipsis in Spoken English, this idea and the logic behind is purely magical and it works. In fact leaving out certain words in a conversation may make your conversation even more effective. 



How are Ellipsis represented or denoted by?


Instead of repeating unnecessary terms in our conversation it is far better to skip them. These ellipsis are indicated by “…”. You probably might have observed this on printed material or text once in a while. It is a kind of punctuation mark. You can notice it in the future.




Where can these Ellipsis be used in Spoken English?


There is no hard and fast rule as such, though there are moderate rules like where to apply ellipsis when it comes to noun clauses, questions, adverbial clauses and so on…. You just need not struggle to apply this idea or make it a cause of concern. In particular there is no proper tailored specification or theory as such as to where to leave/omit words in a conversation which involves lot of sentences. 



These ellipsis could be applied either at the beginning, middle or end of the sentence.



I hereby share today with you a few examples so that you get a rough idea of how you can start implementing these Ellipsis in Spoken English. Here we go…



Have you finished writing your exams?

Yes, I have finished writing your exams. 

(This is theoretically the regular answer which one would give)


Now, how to go about with ellipsis…

Yes, I have finished writing your exams.

Yes, I have.



So this is absolutely how we go about with Ellipsis in Spoken Engish.

So cutting down on these common terms or words can definitely make your conversation sound more smart and pleasant. At times it might sound a bit informal so keep noted to use ellipsis mostly while doing casual or friendly conversations.


How about using Ellipsis in the case of Questions? (Informal Questions- In specific informal “yes” or “no” questions)



Are you coming home for dinner tonight?

Yes, I am coming for dinner tonight.



Are you going to your native place?

Yes, I am going to my native place.



While asking a question you can use ellipsis…


Do you want a piece of cake?

Want a piece of cake?



Do you wish to visit the restaurant nearby?

Wish to visit the restaurant nearby?



So that’s how all these ellipsis go about, learn and explore more dear ones….



I personally have observed and felt that the best way to get used to usage of ellipsis or make the application of the ellipsis just happen you can finely note when people talk or when you listen to discussions, even when you read novels….. 


It’s all about observing and gaining knowledge over any topic all the while.



Catch you soon,
