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Adverbs are words that convert the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. In English, they usually come after the word they modify. 

For example: 

  • He drives slowly. (The adverb slowly modifies the verb drives.) 
  • He drives very slowly. (The adverb very modifies the adverb slowly, which modifies the verb drives.) 
  • He is a very slow driver. (The adverb very modifies the adjective slow, which modifies the noun driver.) 

They are typically used to express manner, degree, or frequency. Adverbs can be divided into four main categories: manner, degree, frequency, and time.


Adverbs change verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They are typically used to give more information about how, when, where, or why something is done. For example, the adverb slowly can be added to the verb walk to form the sentence “He slowly walked across the room.”

Most adverbs are made by adding the suffix -ly to an adjective, as in slowly, brightly, and sadly. However, there are many irregular adverbs, such as well, fast, and hard.

Adverbs can be used in a variety of ways in English. They can be placed before the verb, as in the example sentence above, or after the verb, as in the sentence, “He walked across the room slowly.” They can also be placed before the adjective or adverb they modify, as in “He walked very slowly across the room.”

When using adverbs, paying attention to spelling and grammar is important. For example, the adverb badly is often misspelled as “bad.” Additionally, many adverbs are different from one another. For example, the adverb slowly cannot be used in place of the adverb quickly.


Examples of Adverbs Formation

Here are some more examples of adverbs:

  • He speaks slowly.
  • She writes quickly.
  • They think carefully.
  • He drives carefully.
  • I play tennis badly.
  • She sings beautifully.

Adverbs can also be placed at the beginning or end of a sentence.

  • Slowly, he speaks.
  • Quickly, she writes.
  • Carefully, they think.
  • He speaks slowly.
  • She writes quickly.
  • They think carefully.

Some adverbs can be used as both adverbs and adjectives. For example, the word hard can be used as an adjective (He is a hard worker) or an adverb (He works hard).

-How are adverbs formed?

Adverbs are basically words that describe verbs (action words). For example, the word “slowly” is an adverb because it describes how someone is moving (slowly). Adverbs can also describe adjectives and other adverbs. For example, the word “very” is an adverb because it describes how an adjective is being used (very cold).

Adverbs are typically formed by adding the suffix “-ly” to an adjective. For example, the adjective “slow” becomes the adverb “slowly.” However, there are many exceptions to this rule. For example, the adjective “good” becomes the adverb “well.”

Here are some other examples of common adverbs and how they are formed:

Adjective Adverb

  • Fast,  fastly
  • Hard,  hardly
  • Late, lately
  • Early, early
  • Quick, quickly
  • Slow, slowly

As you can see, many adverbs are simply the adjective plus the suffix “-ly.” However, there are some exceptions, as noted above. 

Types of Adverbs

There are three main types of adverbs: manner adverbs, frequency adverbs, and degree adverbs.

Adverb of manner

Manner adverbs tell us how something happens. For example:

  • He drives carefully.
  • She speaks quietly.
  • They walked quickly.

Adverb of Frequency

These words tell us how often something happens. For example:

  • I always brush my teeth before bed.
  • He never misses a day of work.
  • They sometimes have pizza for dinner.

Adverb of degree

Degree adverbs tell us how much or how little of something there is. For example:

  • That was a little bit of a surprise.
  • I’m a bit tired.
  • I’m very thirsty.

Now that you know the three main types of adverbs, let’s take a look at some of the most common adverbs in English.

Here are some common manner adverbs:

  • badly
  • carefully
  • efficiently
  • fast
  • hard
  • hastily
  • joyfully
  • kindly
  • politely
  • quickly
  • quietly
  • slowly
  • softly
  • successfully

Here are some common frequency adverbs:

  • always
  • frequently
  • hardly ever
  • never
  • occasionally
  • rarely
  • seldom
  • sometimes
  • weekly

How Adverbs can be used in sentences

They are often used to describe how, when, where, or how often something is done. For example:

  • He speaks slowly. (How he speaks)
  • He drives carefully. (How he drives)
  • He arrived early. (When he arrived)
  • He lives nearby. (Where he lives)
  • He rarely eats out. (How often he eats out)

Adverbs can be used in a variety of ways, and their placement in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence. For example, the adverb slowly can come before or after the verb it modifies:

  • He slowly speaks. (He takes his time speaking.)
  • He speaks slowly. (His speech is slow.)

Here are some more examples of adverbs in sentences:

  • She always forgets her keys.
  • Yesterday, I ran to the store.
  • I will happily help you with your homework.

For example:

  • He is a very talented singer. (The adverb very modifies the adjective talented.)
  • He sings very beautifully. (The adverb very modifies the adverb beautifully.)

Adverbs can also be used to start a sentence. For example:

  • Carefully, he steps onto the ice.
  • Suddenly, the lights go out.

In these examples, the adverbs carefully and suddenly are used to add interest to the sentences.

If you want to improve your English, it’s important to learn how to use adverbs correctly.

Adverbs in Spoken English

Adverbs usually tell us how, when, where, or why an action is done. For example:

  • He drives slowly. (How?)
  • They arrived early. (When?)
  • She’s very happy. (How?)
  • He runs fast. (How?)

Most adverbs in English are created by adding -ly to an adjective, as shown in the examples above. However, there are many irregular adverbs, for example:

  • He drives well.
  • They arrived late.
  • She’s very happy.
  • He runs fast.

Here are some more examples of adverbs:

  • I’m studying English hard. (How?)
  • She always forgets her keys. (When?)
  • That restaurant is really expensive. (How?)
  • I live near the city center. (Where?)

As you can see, adverbs can be placed in different positions in a sentence, depending on the meaning you want to create. For example, the adverb hard modifies the verb studying and tells us how I am studying. 

Here are some more examples:

  • She always forgets her keys. (She forgets her keys every time.)
  • She forgets her keys always. (The only time she forgets her keys is when she’s always forgetting something.)
  • That restaurant is really expensive. (It’s very expensive.)
  • That restaurant is expensive really. (It’s expensive for a reason – it’s really good!)

The Use of Adverbs in Spoken English

Adverbs are a very important part of spoken English. They can change the meaning of a sentence and make it more interesting. Adverbs can describe how someone speaks, how often they do something, or how they feel about something.

Here are some examples of how adverbs can be used in spoken English:

“I’m so tired.”

“I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“I really like your new haircut.”

As you can see, adverbs can be used to change the meaning of a sentence. They can also be used to make a sentence more interesting.

Here are some tips for using adverbs in spoken English:

1. Use adverbs to describe how you feel.

Adverbs can be used to describe how you feel about something. For example, if you’re tired, you can say, “I’m so tired.” If you’re happy, you can say “I’m really happy.”

2. Use adverbs to describe how often you do something.

Adverbs can also be used to describe how often you do something. For example, if you usually go to the gym three times a week, but you went today, you can say, “I went to the gym today.”

3. Use adverbs to describe how someone speaks.

Adverbs can also be used to describe how someone speaks. For example, if someone is speaking quietly, you can say “She’s speaking quietly.”

4. Use adverbs to make a sentence more interesting.

Adverbs can also be used to make a sentence more interesting. For example, if you’re telling a story about someone, you can use an adverb to describe how they did something. For example, “He ran quickly across the street.”

5. Be careful with adverbs that end in “-ly.”

Adverbs that end in “-ly” are called “adverbs of manner.” They are used to describe how someone does something. For example, “He ran quickly across the street.”

The Importance of Adverbs in Spoken English

The English language is filled with a variety of different parts of speech. Each one serves a specific purpose in conveying a message. Adverbs are no different. They play a very important role in spoken English. This makes them a very versatile part of speech.

When used correctly, adverbs can make your speech more interesting and engaging. They can also be used to add emphasis or change a sentence’s meaning. For example, the sentence “I am running quickly” would have a different meaning if the adverb “quickly” was replaced with “slowly.”

Adverbs can also be used to ask questions. For example, the adverb “where” can be used to ask about someone’s location. “Where are you?” is a very common question that is asked in English.

Adverbs can be a great tool for adding variety to your spoken English. Next time you are conversing, try using an adverb or two. You may be surprised at how much it can improve your communication skills!

The Benefits of Adverbs in Spoken English

 Adverbs can be used to make your speaking more interesting and expressive. Here are four benefits of using adverbs in spoken English:

1. Adverbs can add detail and precision to your descriptions.

For example, if you want to describe how quickly you did something, you could say, “I ran as fast as I could.” But if you want to be more specific, you could say, “I sprinted to the finish line.”

2. Adverbs can make your speaking more expressive.

For example, instead of saying, “He’s a good singer,” you could say, “He sings beautifully.” Using adverbs can help you sound more enthusiastic and positive.

3. Adverbs can help you sound more natural.

Many adverbs are informal, so using them can make your speaking sound more natural and relaxed. For example, instead of saying, “He’s walking quickly,” you could say, “He’s strutting his stuff.”

4. Adverbs can be used to make jokes.

Adverbs can be an excellent way to add humor to your speaking. 


Adverbs play an important role in spoken English. They add flavor and nuance to our speech, making it more interesting and expressive. In addition, they help to clarify the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. There are many adverbs, each with a unique function in speech. Some adverbs are used to describe how an action is carried out, while others are used to give information about time, place, or degree. Knowing how to use adverbs correctly is essential for speaking English fluently and effectively. By understanding the different functions of adverbs and by practicing using them in speech, you can improve your communication skills and make your English sound more natural.