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What is an Adjective?

A noun or pronoun is modified or described by an adjective. Adjectives can be used to describe someone or something’s characteristics on their own or in reference to anything else.

You may have learned as a youngster that it is a characterizing term. This adjective definition is valid, and as previously said, it may be used to define, modify, or qualify a noun, thus providing additional information about the item, person, place, thing, or concept under consideration.

When used correctly, this crucial component of the English language may become your most powerful literary friend. They will improve the specificity and clarity of your writing, allowing you to present your thoughts in a straightforward and engaging manner. They add the meat to the bare bones of a sentence!

Why Adjectives are important in the English language?

An adjective is a word that modifies a characterizing word to become a noun or a pronoun in order to make it more descriptive. For example, with the adjective extension, the object “man” becomes “the tall, lovely man” or “the short, plain man.”

Descriptive words also include the articles “a,” “an,” and “the.” Although “a” and “an” are known as doubtful articles since they do not refer to a specific person or object.



Easily Learn Adjectives

When we read a clear document, adjectives assist us to envision the essence of what we read about.

When we study the role of adjectives in the English language, we learn the following.

1. It describes the noun correctly. It defines what the term is all about. Is it a location, a person, or something?

2. It also provides us with some descriptive notions of the same noun so that we may determine the correct meaning and condition of the specific article.

3. An adjective completely changes the meaning of a sentence. Its presence adds to the sentence’s allure.

Furthermore, we use descriptive words since we need to interact with objects and persons in a good or bad way. It will be noticeable enough to make the book a good read or the conversation a good, captivating discourse.

Similarly, using adjectives makes reading and writing much more enjoyable. It establishes the tone for our composition.

In what ways are Adjectives used in sentences?

Adjectives modify or characterize nouns and pronouns. They can be attributive (appearing before the noun) or predicative (appearing after the noun) (occurring the noun). Predicative adjectives are commonly used after a linking verb (such as variants of the verb “to be”) that relates the sentence’s subject to the adjective.


  • The proud soldier has returned home.
  • The soldier is proud.
  • The diligent employee begins early.
  • The employee is diligent.

While most adjectives may be employed in both the attributive and predicative positions, some cannot. The term “main,” for example, can only be used in the attributive position, but “asleep” may only be used in the predicative position.

  • The main reason is that …
  • The reason is main. (wrong)
  • The man is asleep.
  • The asleep man is …(wrong)

Degrees of Adjective

An adjective has three degrees: positive, comparative, and superlative. When to utilize them depends on how many things you’re discussing:

Positive Adjective

A positive adjective is a regular adjective that is used to describe rather than compare. “This is a good soup,” for example, and “I am funny.”

Comparative Adjective

A comparative adjective is an adjective that compares two items (and is often followed by the word than). “This soup is better than that salad,” for example, or “I am funnier than she is.”

Superlative Adjective

A superlative adjective is one that is used to compare three or more items or to say that something is the best. “This is the finest soup in the entire world,” for example, or “I am the funniest of all the other bloggers.”

These three degrees are solely applicable to descriptive adjectives.

If a descriptive adjective contains one or two syllables, add -er and -est to get the comparative and superlative forms. You can say, for example, that music is loud, louder (than another song), or the loudest (out of all the other songs).

The -er and -est endings are not used in descriptive adjectives with three or more syllables. Beautiful, for example, cannot be transformed into beautifulr or beautifulest—those are not words! Instead, you prefix it with more and the most to make it a comparative or superlative adjective: Beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful.

Types of Adjectives


When you hear the term “adjective,” you generally think of a descriptive adjective. Nouns and pronouns are described using descriptive adjectives.

Descriptive adjectives include words like gorgeous, cute, comical, tall, bothersome, noisy, and lovely.


  • “The gorgeous flowers have a wonderful scent,” with two descriptive adjectives, provides a lot more information.
  • You can say “The cat is hungry” or “The hungry cat.” The term hungry is an adjective that describes the cat in both circumstances.

Quantitative Adjectives 

Quantitative adjectives convey the quantity of something.

In other words, they respond to the question “how much?”

 Alternatively, “how many?” This sort of adjective includes numbers such as one and thirty. Many, half and a lot are examples of more generic terms.


  • I can’t believe I ate the whole cake
  • “How many children do you have?” “I only have one daughter.”
  • “Do you plan on having more kids?” “Oh yes, I want many children!”

Demonstrative Adjective

A demonstrative adjective specifies “which” noun or pronoun is being referred to. Among these descriptors are the following:

  • This — is used as a reference to a singular noun that is close to you.
  • That — used as a reference to a singular noun that is far away from  you
  • These — refers to a plural noun that is close to you.
  • Those — refers to a plural noun that is far away from you.

Demonstrative adjectives are usually used before the term is modified.

When answering a question, for example, you can omit the noun being described and merely use the adjective. For example, if someone asks how many cakes you want to buy, you can reply “I want to buy two cakes,” or simply “I want to buy two.”


“Which car is yours?” “This car is mine, and that one used to be mine until I sold it.”

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives indicate ownership. They specify to whom something belongs. Among the most prevalent possessive adjectives are:

  • My — Belongs to me
  • His — Belongs to him
  • Her — Belongs to her
  • Their — Belongs to them
  • Yours — Belongs to you
  • Ours — Belongs to us.

Except for the word his, all of these adjectives can only be used before a noun. You can’t simply say “that’s my,” you must say “that’s my pen.” Use these possessive adjectives instead when you want to leave out the noun or pronoun being modified:

  • Mine
  • His
  • Hers
  • Theirs
  • Yours
  • Ours

For example, while stating “that’s my” is improper, saying “that’s mine” is completely OK.


Whose pen is it? That’s mine, that is my pen

Interrogative Adjective

Interrogative adjectives inquire by asking a question. These adjectives are always used to make inquiries and are always followed by a noun or a pronoun. The interrogative adjectives are as follows:

  • Which — Requests a choice between two possibilities.
  • What — Requests a decision (in general).
  • Whose — Inquires as to who owns something.

Other question words, like as “who” and “how,” are not adjectives since they do not alter nouns. For instance, you may ask, “Whose coat is this?” You can’t, however, ask, “Who coat?”

Which, what, and whose are only regarded adjectives when preceded by a word. “Which color is your favorite?”, is an adjective in this statement. But not in this one: “Which is your favorite color?”


  • Which song will you play on your wedding day?”
  • What pet do you want to get?”

Distributive Adjectives 

Distributive adjectives are used to characterize distinct members of a group. These adjectives are used to distinguish one or more specific goods or individuals. Among the most prevalent distributive adjectives are:

  • Each — Every single one of a group (used to speak about group members individually).
  • Every — Every single one of a group (used to make generalizations).
  • Either — One between a choice of two.
  • Neither — Not one or the other between a choice of two.
  • Any — One or some things out of any number of choices. This is also used when the choice is irrelevant, like: “it doesn’t matter, I’ll take any of them.”


“Which of these two songs do you like?” “I don’t like either song.”


There are just three articles in English: a, an, and the. Articles can be difficult for English learners to utilize appropriately since they do not exist in many languages (or are not used in the same manner).

  • A – A unique/single, generic object.
  • An – A unique/single, general object. This should be used before words that begin with a vowel.
  • The — A singular or plural, specific item.


  • The elephants left huge footprints in the sand.”
  • An elephant can weigh over 6,000 pounds!”

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