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Hi friends,

Office is one particular area where many of you might need some help with communication skills especially English…. Here let me help you out with it.



To begin with I guess conversation on the first day at office is my choice…

Steffe: Good Morning! Mr. Ken

Ken: Good Morning!

Steffe: How are you?

Ken: Doing great! Yourself?

Steffe: Fine! Glad to welcome you to our company

Team Lead: She is my personal assistant Steffy. She would guide you through.

Ken: Thank you very much Sir!

Steffe: Happy to have you in our team Mr. Ken

Team Lead: Would you just get Mr. Ken introduced to the team and guide him to his cabin as well….

Steffe: Yes! Sure Sir




Once the Team Lead just leaves…

Steffe: Mr. Ken would you first like to have an office tour, then I could just brief you on your work and guide you to your cabin…

Ken: Yeah! Sure would love to go by it

Steffe: Okay! Come along with me Mr. Ken


While the office tour happens….

Steffe: Mr. Ken this is the first floor of our office where all the administrative and management department works. The cabin of the Team Lead is the fourth room on the right. The Managing Director’s cabin is the long room opposite to the sitting area in the lobby.

Ken: Oh! That’s fine

Steffe: This is the caffeteria area which will be accessible during breaks.

Ken: Looks good

Steffe: This is your cabin Mr. Ken. Welcome

Ken: Okay! I am pretty excited.

Steffe: This will be your personal laptop, system and the files, printers and other stuff for your work are placed in the cubby beneath. You can use this telephone over here at any time. 

Ken: I just feel so good. It’s amazing

Steffe: Glad you love the space. Well let me introduce you to your collegues. They would be waiting to see you.

Ken: With pleasure



Steffe…. She introduces the team mates one by one…  





Steffe: Hope you would get along with all of us very soon Mr. Ken

Ken: Pretty excited

Steffe: Mr. Ken I just forget to tell you about the canteen. You could have food at our canteen which is in the ground floor directly opposite to the lift we came across there…

Ken: Oh! That’s great

Steffe: That’s it for now Mr. Ken, see you soon. All the very best and have a great time doing your job. 

Ken: Thank you and so kind of you Ms. Steffe. See you and I shall get into my work. Have a great day.

Steffe: You as well…


Hey friends,

Guess you learnt a simple conversation on the first day at office…. Hope you loved and just enjoyed it… Please do share it with your friends and don’t forget to comment, share your doubts and queries with me in the comment box below…


Catch you very soon with yet another post… 

Learning to speak English is just too much fun…

Keep enjoying it..
