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11 Other Ways to Say “Same Goes to You”

11 Other Ways to Say “Same Goes to You”

When someone says “Same goes to you,” it’s often seen as a casual response or an alternative way to reciprocate a gesture or sentiment. However, using the same phrase repeatedly can become monotonous and lack creativity. In this article, we’ll explore 11 other ways to express the same sentiment, adding variety and depth to your conversations.

  1. Likewise

“Likewise” is a versatile phrase that can effectively convey the same message as “Same goes to you.” It implies that you feel the same way or share a similar sentiment. For example, if someone wishes you success, you can respond, “Likewise, I hope the best for you too.”

11 Other Ways to Say “Same Goes to You”

  1. Back at you

Using the phrase “Back at you” remains informal while injecting a touch of playfulness into the conversation. It implies a reciprocal action or sentiment. For instance, if someone compliments your outfit, you can respond, “Back at you! Your style is always on point.”

  1. Me too

“Me too” is a simple and concise way to express agreement or the same sentiment. It’s a common phrase used in everyday conversations. For instance, if someone tells you they had a great weekend, you can respond, “Me too! I had an amazing weekend as well.”

  1. The feeling is mutual

When you want to express that the sentiment is mutually shared, “The feeling is mutual” is a great alternative. This phrase implies that you feel the same way towards the other person. For example, if someone wishes you good luck, you can respond, “The feeling is mutual. I wish you all the best too.”

  1. You too

“You too” is a simple and versatile phrase that can be used in response to various well-wishes or sentiments. Whether it’s someone wishing you a happy birthday or a wonderful vacation, responding with “You too” expresses the same sentiment back to them.

  1. Dito

“Dito” is a Filipino term that can be used as a playful and informal way to say “Same goes to you.” It’s a convenient alternative if you want to add a touch of cultural diversity to your conversations. For instance, if someone says they love your cooking, you can respond, “Dito! I love your dishes too.”

  1. Right back at ya

“Right back at ya” is an idiomatic phrase that conveys a reciprocal action or sentiment. It adds a hint of enthusiasm and energy to your response. For example, if someone wishes you a happy holiday, you can respond, “Right back at ya! I hope you have a fantastic time too.”

  1. Mutual admiration

When the sentiment shared is one of admiration or respect, “Mutual admiration” is a suitable phrase to use. It expresses that the feeling of admiration is reciprocated. For instance, if someone compliments your creativity, you can respond, “Mutual admiration! I’ve always admired your attention to detail.”

  1. Can’t argue with that

“Can’t argue with that” is a phrase that acknowledges agreement or shared sentiment. It implies that the statement made is irrefutable. For example, if someone expresses appreciation for your hard work, you can respond, “Can’t argue with that! You’ve been doing great work too.”

  1. Same here

“Same here” is a short and straightforward way to express the same sentiment as the other person. It’s commonly used in casual conversations to indicate agreement or shared feelings. For example, if someone says they’re excited about an upcoming event, you can respond, “Same here! I can’t wait for it either.”

  1. Equally

When you want to express that the sentiment or action is equally reciprocated, “Equally” is a concise and precise alternative to consider. It implies that you feel the same way or share the same sentiment. For instance, if someone wishes you happiness, you can respond, “Equally! I want you to be happy too.”


Adding variety and creativity to your conversations can make them more engaging and enjoyable. By using these 11 alternatives to “Same goes to you,” you can express your sentiments effectively while keeping the conversation dynamic. So next time someone wishes you well, go ahead and respond with a fresh and unique phrase that will leave a lasting impression.

Catch you again,
