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Adjectives that start with Q: Keep in Your Memory

Adjectives that start with Q: Keep in Your Memory

Sometimes, we all want to make sure that our sentences sound nice. Besides, when we want to speak about something, we want to use high-frequency words that fit nicely with our sentence and give it a proper meaning. But we do lack this sometimes. So, for that reason, I want to share with you some adjectives that start with ‘q’ in this article.


You can use this adjective as something attractive but not common, charmingly old-school, or has a different quality but not bizarre. Besides, it means something that has a nostalgic sense.


(When you use this in an attractive sense:)

  • 1. The quaint village has many historical and modern arts.

In this example, the village is described as attractive.

(When using this in the old-fashion sense)

  • 2. His quaint shirt looks good on him.

In this example, the shirt is old-fashioned as well as attractive.

Adjectives that start with Q


Quick is another adjective that starts with ‘q’. You can easily tell that quick means something very rapid or fast. It describes the action that takes a small period to complete.

Now let me give you some examples of ‘quick’ so you can understand this easily.


  • 1. He is quick at learning new things.

Here ‘quick’ describes his ability to adapt or learn something very fast

  • 2. The quick decision the police made to help the thief get caught.

Here ‘quick’ describes the fast-thinking ability of the police.


‘Quiet’ is another adjective that starts with ‘q,’ and it describes something calm and relaxing or where no sound or noise is found in the atmosphere.


  • 1. The room is very quiet, which is better for anyone to have a sound sleep.

Here, ‘quiet’ describes that the room is very calm and noise-free to have a sound sleep.

  • 2. Rafsan is quiet.

Here ‘quiet’ describe that a person hardly ‘Rafsan’ talks. He is calm and not a talkative person.


This adjective uses as a positive view. When you want to describe someone or something which is different from normal and does unconditional things, you can use this adjective. Quirky means’ someone or something who does unique things and that can be something new to the world.’


  • 1. The person who was introduced to us has a quirky style in terms of dressing.

Here, the word ‘quirky’ describe something new or unusual but also impressive. The dress of the person is not offensive but has a different style.

  • 2. Nayeem is a quirky person with musical taste.

Here, it describes that the music taste Nayeem is not ordinary and his choice is music is different from others, which is a positive sense.


The word ‘qualified’ is used as an adjective. It describes a person or something that needs to fill certain criteria or qualities to pass an examination or to be suitable for a role.


  • 1. Sharif is qualified for the CA examination; now, he has to sit for the company interview.

Here, qualified refers that Sharif has passed the examination for CA and he can search for jobs.

  • 2. Only qualified teachers can teach English.

Here, qualified teachers refer to a teacher who has certain degrees or deep knowledge of English and can teach English properly.


Quixotic means someone or something that has a high ambition for something. As well as a lack of practical sense often lives in a dreamy world, but the purpose has a noble goal. The term resembles the character of Don Quixote, who had extraordinary or unrealistic quests. So it can also use a romantic sense.


  • 1. Rohan’s quixotic dream is to solve the greenhouse effect by himself.

Here, Rohan can not do the work by himself. It is not possible for a single person to do the work but needs all the people of the world to solve the problem. Tho the work has a noble value.


Quotidian means something that is ordinary or occurs daily or every day. It can be used to describe something like a routine.


  • 1. Taiba’s quotidian schedule is to wake up at 8 am and read the newspaper.

Here, quotidian refers to Taiba’s daily habit of getting up at 8 am every day and reading the newspaper.


Quenching is both an adjective and a present participle. It is used to describe someone’s strong desire for something. Usually, these desires are something like fulfillment or knowledge or something that the person dreams of doing.


  • 1. I want cold lemonade on a sunny day; it is a quenching thing that will enlighten my mood.

Here, quenching is used to describe the strong desire for lemonade on a hot sunny day.

  • 2. Traveling and exploring different cities is a quenching experience for me every time.

Here, the quenching experience refers to the strong desire to travel to different cities and know everything about those cities.


Quintessential is used to describe something ideal that has certain characteristics or qualities. It refers to something pure in nature.


  • 1. Rome is a quintessential historic city in the world.

Here, the word ‘quintessential’ refers to that Rome as an ideal historical city that has solid evidence of different wars and emperors.

  • 2. Rafiq’s manners made him deal with any quintessential high-class society.

Here, Rafiq’s behavior is so ideal and gentle that it is ideal for any upper-class society.


Quenchless is used to refer to something that is not satisfied. It refers to a strong and irresistible desire that can’t be subdued.


  • 1. Besides every obstacle he has, he has the quenchless ambition to ensure his success by working hard.

Here, quenchless ambition refers to something that he has set for himself, and he wants to make sure he gets it by doing hard work.

  • 2. Abed has a quenchless dream that one day, his books will be bestselling in the market. So he tries to make a good book.

Here, Abed tries his level best to make sure that he gets his dream fulfilled.

With these words, you can enhance your quality of writing too. You can use this in a sentence to make it different and more meaningful than you have thought.

Catch you soon,
