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20 English Phrases with the Word TIME: Expand Your Vocabulary

I have compiled a list of 20 English phrases that include the word “time” to help you improve your vocabulary and fluency in the language. These phrases are commonly used in everyday conversation and can be useful in a variety of situations. Whether you are learning English as a second language or simply looking to expand your vocabulary, these phrases are a great place to start.

Each phrase on this list includes the word “time” in a unique way, from idiomatic expressions like “time flies” to more literal phrases like “time is money.” By understanding the different ways in which the word “time” can be used, you will be able to communicate more effectively and express yourself more clearly in English. So, without further ado, here are 20 English phrases with the word “time.”

Understanding Time in Language

The Concept of Time in English

20 English Phrases with the Word TIME

Time is a fundamental concept in the English language and is used to describe various aspects of our lives. It is used to refer to the duration of events, the sequence of events, and the time of day. English has a rich vocabulary of words related to time, including adjectives, adverbs, and nouns.

One of the most common ways to describe time in English is by using the 12-hour clock system. This system divides the day into two 12-hour periods, with the first period starting at midnight and the second period starting at noon. To indicate the time of day, we use phrases like “in the morning,” “in the afternoon,” and “in the evening.”

English is also famous for its idioms and expressions related to time. These idioms are used to convey a specific meaning and are often used in everyday conversations. Here are some examples of time-related idioms and their origins:

  1. “Time flies when you’re having fun” – This idiom means that time seems to pass quickly when you’re enjoying yourself. It is believed to have originated from a poem by the Roman poet Virgil.
  2. “Beat the clock” – This expression means to finish a task before a deadline. It is believed to have originated from the practice of timing horse races with a clock.
  3. “Once in a blue moon” – This expression means that something happens very rarely. It is believed to have originated from the occurrence of a second full moon in a calendar month, which is rare and appears blue in color.
  4. “In the nick of time” – This expression means to do something just in time to prevent a disaster. It is believed to have originated from the practice of marking the time on a ship’s log when the water level reached a certain level (nick).

Overall, understanding time-related idioms and expressions is essential for effective communication in English. These phrases add color and depth to our language and help us express ourselves more effectively.

Everyday Phrases Involving Time

Common Time Expressions in Daily Use

As a native English speaker, I use various phrases involving time in my everyday conversations. For instance, “in the nick of time” means to do something just before it’s too late. “On time” means to arrive or complete something at the scheduled time. “About time” means that something should have happened sooner. “In time” means to do something before a deadline or a specific point in the future. “Out of time” means that there is no more time left to do something. “In good time” means to do something with enough time to spare.

Another phrase that is commonly used is “behind the times,” which means that someone or something is outdated or old-fashioned. “All in good time” means that something will happen eventually, but there is no need to rush. “High time” means that something should have happened a long time ago. “At a set time” means that something is scheduled for a specific time. “From time to time” means that something happens occasionally or sporadically. “Once in a blue moon” means that something happens very rarely. “For the time being” means that something is temporary and subject to change. “In the fullness of time” means that something will happen eventually, but the timing is uncertain.

Phrases for Time Management

Time management is an essential skill to have in today’s fast-paced world. Using phrases like “make good time” means to progress efficiently and quickly. “Make time for” means to prioritize something and allocate time for it. “Once upon a time” means that something happened in the past, often used to introduce a story. “Pressed for time” means that there is not enough time to complete a task. “Time was” means that something used to be the case but is no longer true. “Spend time” means to use time for a particular purpose, such as studying, working, or relaxing. “Lunchtime” means the time of day when people usually eat lunch.

By using these phrases, you can effectively communicate about time-related activities and manage your time better.

Time and Urgency

Expressions for Urgent Situations

When time is of the essence, it’s important to know how to express urgency. Here are a few phrases that can help you convey the urgency of a situation:

  • Time is running out
  • We’re in a race against time
  • We need to act fast
  • We can’t afford to waste any more time
  • It’s a matter of life and death

Using these expressions can help you get your point across quickly and effectively in urgent situations. It’s important to be clear and concise when time is of the essence.

Racing Against Time

In some situations, you may find yourself racing against time to meet a deadline or complete a task. Here are a few phrases that can help you convey the sense of urgency when you’re racing against time:

  • We’re up against the clock
  • We’re in a race against time
  • We’re working against the deadline
  • It’s crunch time
  • We’re at the eleventh hour

When you’re racing against time, it’s important to stay focused and work efficiently. These phrases can help you communicate the urgency of the situation to others and motivate yourself to work quickly and effectively.

Remember, time and tide wait for no man, so it’s important to make the most of the time you have. Whether you’re racing against the clock or dealing with an urgent situation, using these phrases can help you communicate effectively and get things done quickly.

Philosophical Aspects of Time

Time in Perspective

As I reflect on the concept of time, it becomes clear that time is a construct that we use to measure the duration of events and actions. Time is not a tangible object that we can hold or touch, but rather a subjective experience that varies from person to person. We often hear the phrase “time flies” when we are having fun, which highlights the idea that time seems to move faster when we are enjoying ourselves. On the other hand, when we are bored or waiting for something, time seems to drag on endlessly.

Another interesting aspect of time is the idea that it is a finite resource. We often hear the phrase “time is on my side,” which suggests that we have control over time. However, the reality is that time is constantly moving forward, and we cannot stop it or turn back the clock. This makes time a precious commodity that we should use wisely.

Reflective Time Phrases

When we reflect on our experiences, we often use phrases that relate to time. For example, we might say that “only time will tell” when we are uncertain about the outcome of a situation. This phrase acknowledges that time is necessary for certain events to unfold and for us to gain clarity.

Another reflective phrase that relates to time is “when the time is ripe.” This phrase suggests that there is a perfect moment for something to happen, and that we should wait for that moment to arrive before taking action. This highlights the idea that time plays a crucial role in decision-making and that we should be patient and wait for the right time to act.

In conclusion, time is a complex and multifaceted concept that has both objective and subjective aspects. It is a resource that we cannot control, but that we must use wisely. When we reflect on our experiences, we often use phrases that relate to time, which shows how important time is to our understanding of the world around us.

Time and Leisure

Enjoying Free Time

As someone who enjoys having a whale of a time, I know how important it is to make the most of my free time. Whether it’s spending time with friends and family, pursuing hobbies, or simply relaxing, there are many ways to enjoy our spare time.

One way to kill time is by reading a book or watching a movie. This can be a great way to escape reality and immerse yourself in a different world. Alternatively, you could take up a new hobby, such as painting or gardening, which can provide a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

20 English Phrases with the Word TIME

20 English Phrases with the Word TIME

Making the Most of Spare Time

When I find myself with too much time on my hands, I try to make the most of it by being productive. This might involve completing tasks that I have been putting off, such as cleaning the house or organizing my closet.

Another way to make time is by setting goals and prioritizing tasks. By breaking down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks, it becomes easier to make progress and achieve your goals.

Ultimately, whether you prefer to relax or stay busy during your free time, it’s important to have the time of your life and enjoy every moment. Whether you’re in the big time or just starting out, make sure to make the most of all the time in the world and have a great time doing it.

Financial and Professional Time Phrases

Time and Money in Business

As a business owner, I know that time is money. It’s a common phrase used in the business world to emphasize the importance of using time efficiently to maximize profits. One way to buy time is to outsource certain tasks to professionals who can complete them more quickly and effectively than you can. This can be a wise investment that allows you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Another common phrase is “make up for lost time”. When a project falls behind schedule, it’s important to work quickly to catch up and finish on time. This may require extra effort and resources, but it can prevent costly delays and ensure that you meet your deadlines.

Time Management in Professional Settings

In my professional experience, time management is crucial for success. It’s important to prioritize tasks and allocate time accordingly to ensure that everything gets done on time. This may involve setting goals and deadlines, using tools like calendars and to-do lists, and delegating tasks to others.

“Face time” is another phrase that comes up in professional settings. This refers to the time spent building relationships and networking with colleagues and clients. While it may not always seem productive, it can be valuable in the long run for building trust and rapport.

Finally, it’s important to avoid wasting time whenever possible. “Marking time” or simply going through the motions without making progress can be a frustrating and unproductive use of time. Instead, it’s important to focus on tasks that will move you closer to your goals and avoid distractions or unnecessary activities that can eat up valuable time.

Time in Proverbs and Sayings

Wise Sayings About Time

As the old saying goes, “time is money.” This phrase emphasizes the importance of time in our lives and how it should be treated as a valuable commodity. Another popular saying is “time flies when you’re having fun,” which reminds us to cherish enjoyable moments because they pass quickly. Similarly, “time heals all wounds” suggests that given enough time, emotional pain will eventually fade away.

Proverbs Reflecting the Value of Time

The proverb “a stitch in time saves nine” highlights the importance of addressing problems before they become worse. This saying suggests that taking care of small issues promptly can prevent bigger issues from arising in the future. Similarly, “time and tide wait for no man” emphasizes the importance of taking advantage of opportunities when they arise because time waits for no one.

Another phrase, “turn back the hands of time,” expresses the desire to go back in time and change past events. However, this is impossible, and we must learn to accept the consequences of our actions. “Better late than never” encourages us to take action even if it’s not at the ideal time, as it’s better to do something than nothing at all.

In conclusion, these proverbs and sayings about time demonstrate the importance of valuing and managing our time effectively. By taking care of small issues promptly, seizing opportunities when they arise, and learning from our past mistakes, we can make the most of our time and live fulfilling lives.


In conclusion, the English language is full of phrases that incorporate the word “time.” From idioms to common expressions, these phrases add color and depth to the language. Throughout this article, I have highlighted 20 of these phrases and provided examples of how they can be used in everyday conversation.

By familiarizing oneself with these phrases, English learners can improve their understanding of the language and communicate more effectively with native speakers. Whether you are discussing a deadline, reminiscing about the past, or planning for the future, these phrases can help you express yourself with clarity and precision.

Remember, mastering a language takes time and practice. By incorporating these phrases into your everyday conversations, you can improve your fluency and become more confident in your ability to communicate in English. So, take your time, practice regularly, and soon enough, you’ll be using these phrases like a native speaker.