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17 Brilliant English Expressions That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker

17 Brilliant English Expressions That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker

If you want to master your writing skills in English or become fluent, learning English expressions is essential.

Learning these expressions will help you sound more natural and less robotic, allowing you to communicate with confidence like a native speaker. Additionally, understanding these expressions will enable you to comprehend texts more easily.

You may have heard these terms used in TV shows or movies but may not know their exact meaning. That’s where we come in!

In this article, we will elaborate on 17 brilliant English expressions with examples to help you become a proficient English speaker.

1. I give you my word

When making a promise or commitment to someone, it’s essential to convey trust and control in the situation.

For instance, using phrases like “I give you my word” can help establish credibility and assure others that you won’t disappoint them.

2. He’s a man of words

A man of his word sticks to what he says and is trustworthy, keeping their promises and following through on their commitments.

For example: “You can trust him; he’s a man of his word.”

3. To break one’s word

To break one’s word means to promise something but then fail to deliver on that promise, not staying committed to one’s statement.

For example: “You broke your word to wash the dishes but went out to play.”

17 Brilliant English Expressions That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker
Speak English like a Native

4. That’s the general consensus

A general agreement or way of thinking among a group of people. People often assume ideas, opinions, and suggestions.

For example: “Mobile phones have become a part of our lives; that’s the general consensus.”

5. Don’t put words in my mouth

If someone claims you made a particular statement, but you didn’t, they are putting words in your mouth.

For example: “I’m not defending him, don’t put words in my mouth.”

6. To make a long story short

Describing the central theme of a story to tell it briefly instead of explaining the whole story.

For example: “She doesn’t like parties, and to make a long story short, she refused to attend tonight.”

7. Keep something at bay

Trying to control a complicated situation before it gets worse. You prevent it from attacking or affecting you.

For example: “The doctors failed to keep his illness at bay.”

8. Challenge accepted

If someone claims a task is impossible but is willing to attempt it, they have accepted the challenge.

For example: “I accept the challenge of mountain climbing in an hour.”

9. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Don’t rely on a single option or put all your efforts, hope, resources, or dreams in one place.

For example: “Apply for a job in all companies, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

10. Best thing since sliced bread

Describing a new person or invention that is the best and has a significant impact on our lives.

For example: “I bought an automatic washing machine; it’s the best thing since sliced bread.”

11. In the heat of the moment

When you act or do something without thinking due to your anger or stress.

For example: “During the argument, he acted in the heat of the moment.”

12. Humble pie

To feel embarrassed about a mistake and apologize for it. It means to be sorry for a serious mistake committed.

For example: “My enemies feel happy to see me eat humble pie.”

13. Steal someone’s thunder

To take someone’s success by doing the same thing they would do.

For example: “I was about to announce my first project when Kim stole my thunder.”

14. Your guess is as good as mine

Instead of admitting that you don’t know the answer to a question, it’s better to say, “your guess is as good as mine.”

For example: “I asked how long it would take to complete the task, and he replied, your guess is as good as mine.”

15. Take for granted

Accepting something without objection or assuming that things always happen the same way.

For example: “We all take for granted that clean water is readily available.”

16. Cross that bridge when you come to it

Stop worrying about future problems until they occur. Most procrastinators try to delay potential future issues, saying they will deal with them when they come.

For example: “I don’t know how to tackle the situation yet, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

17. Mark my words

Remember my words. It could be a guess or prediction, assuring the words prove correct.

For example: “Mark my words. He won’t be elected prime minister.”

Bottom Line:

Make your learning enjoyable with these brilliant English expressions that will help you speak fluently. You should have a grip on these expressions to score higher in proficiency tests.

Moreover, these expressions are not just about sounding good. It can also help you achieve higher scores in proficiency tests and job interviews. Employers and examiners look for candidates who have a strong grasp of the language, and knowing English expressions can give you an edge over others.

So, don’t hesitate to start learning English expressions today. With a little effort and practice, you can incorporate them into your daily conversations and make them an essential part of your English learning journey. Trust us; it will be worth it!